An introduction to Corporate Parenting from Chief Executive, David Sidaway:
Corporate parents
People who work for the council are Corporate Parents for children cared for and care leavers.
This includes foster parents, residential carers, social workers, members of the virtual school and the people who are ‘in charge’ including the Director for Children Services and the Elected Cabinet Member for Children and Young People. There are many others and these are just some examples of the people you are most likely to be with.
We also work closely with partners in schools, the police and people in the health service who embrace an extended corporate parenting role.
In short, every adult that works with you is committed to being effective, caring and ambitious for you.
If you are speaking to someone and you want to know if they are your corporate parent, please ask them and they will tell you. Corporate parents treat you with respect, kindness and act only in your best interests.
The promise
The promise will guide us in delivering our actions for you over the next three years and helps to ensure everything we do is based on what you told us.
What you told us will directly influence how we work. We will think about all of these things when we look at how well things are going and what we may need to change.
Download and read the corporate parenting strategy
Last updated: 13/12/2024 11:30