Telford & Wrekin Council building a bright future for Telford Town Centre

Telford College currently delivers further and higher education courses from its main site in Wellington, alongside its comprehensive range of technical courses some five miles from the Town Centre.
Station Quarter is a major development site which will be transformed over the next three years, providing new town centre apartments and townhouses, retails spaces and a state-of-the-art digital skills and enterprise hub which will provide education and business start-up spaces.
Telford College is a partner in the delivery of the Digital Skills & Enterprise Hub. The relocation and enhancement of Telford College’s sixth form provision situated adjacent to the Hub will create a new education ‘campus’. Its location right next to Telford Central train station and a short walk from the bus station will provide access to education opportunities for people from all areas of Telford and beyond.
The relocation of the A level element of the teaching provision will enable Telford College to continue its planned investment into its Wellington campus allowing space to expand its engineering, automotive and construction offer.
The project
The project will modernise, remodel and repurpose former offices at Addenbrooke House in Station Quarter into a new further education facility for Telford College.
Relocation of Telford College’s A Level offer will enable them to expand and increase courses available to students.
In April 2022, to inform the development of the new further education centre proposals, 2,916 telephone surveys and 5 focus groups were carried out with Telford and Wrekin residents. The telephone surveys were broadly representative by age and gender with more than 90 participants from every ward.
This research focused on people’s priorities for the next 10 years:
- 72% of respondents said that opportunities for young people to get into work should be prioritised
- 23% prioritised access to high quality education.
Key themes from this consultation were that people were ambitious and wanted there to be more pathways to university and access to more vocational training opportunities. There was consensus about increasing opportunities for skills and training locally, and the need for educational facilities in the borough to keep pace with new developments.
Feedback from Telford College students who have been using Addenbrooke House in Telford Station Quarter as a temporary college base showed their support for proposals for the relocation of the Telford College sixth form offer:
"I travelled in from Wolverhampton on the train, and it’s such an easy journey - I got off the train and it was only a five-minute walk to my classroom."
"I can see studying at the Telford town centre campus appealing to people travelling in from all over Telford, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury."
"The town centre location was really easy to access. It’s closer to where I live, and it opens up the college to more people. I can see Addenbrooke House appealing to more people as a place to study A-levels."
In addition, the 2020 Telford & Wrekin Council residents survey asked about priorities for Station Quarter and 29.1% stated that education/training facilities should be prioritised.
Engagement with wider stakeholders will continue throughout project delivery.
Key milestones
Spring 2024
Planning application submitted.
Summer 2024
Planning application approved.
Winter 2024 / 2025
Work starts on site.
Autumn 2026
Full opening of new sixth form centre.
Frequently asked questions
Telford College currently delivers further and higher education courses alongside its comprehensive range of technical course from its main site in Wellington some five miles from the Town Centre.
The project will relocate Telford College’s sixth form offer to Telford’s Station Quarter in Telford Town Centre.
Station Quarter is a major development site which will be transformed over the next three years, providing new town centre apartments and townhouses, retail spaces and a state-of-the-art digital skills and enterprise hub which will provide education and business start-up spaces.
Telford College is a partner in the delivery of the Digital Skills & Enterprise Hub. The relocation and enhancement of Telford College’s Sixth Form provision situated adjacent to the Hub will create a new education ‘campus’. Its location right next to Telford Central train station and a short walk from the bus station will provide access to education opportunities for people from all areas of Telford and beyond.
The relocation of the A level element of the teaching provision will also enable Telford College to continue its planned investment into its Wellington campus allowing space to expand its engineering, automotive and construction offer. e able to provide further details and work together with traders to support them during this period.
Telford College will remain on the Wellington Campus where they will continue to deliver their wide range of technical courses.
High level proposals were prepared for the bid, informed survey and focus group feedback carried out in April 2022 and previous community and student feedback.
The proposed development sits within a wider programme of works that will significantly improve Station Quarter in Telford Town Centre. These developments will inevitably have some impact on the locality, but we will endeavour to minimise this impact wherever possible. Further details about changes to pedestrian routes etc will follow.
For more information about Telford College’s sixth form offer, please visit Telford College website.
Yes, there will be parking at the new further education facility and at a range of existing town centre car parks.
The Centre is in Station Quarter in Telford Town Centre which is right next to Telford Central train station and a short walk from the bus station.
Future public consultations via face to face and online events and surveys will be publicised on this webpage.
In the meantime, if you would like to contact us about the new Further Education Centre project, please email