Telford & Wrekin Council building a bright future for Wellington

The historic twelfth century indoor market is at the heart of Wellington’s conservation area and its survival and adaption to changing shopping and leisure demands is vital to the local economy. Visitors to the market support other high street activity.
Recent support through Telford & Wrekin Council’s Pride in Our High Street programme has seen the creation of an outdoor pop-up market and entertainment area as well as the creation of an indoor food court. This has demonstrated the potential of the market and has created a significant opportunity to transform it into a modern, thriving venue that will sit at the heart of Wellington’s retail, leisure and entertainment offer.
Capital Regeneration Programme funding has enabled the council to purchase Wellington Market and carry out restoration of this historic landmark.
Key outcomes are to:
- address the significant property defects and overall poor condition of the market
- retain and improve the market as a retail, food and leisure hub, providing quality spaces existing and new small independent businesses
- have a curated arts and entertainment programme that will give local people access to a variety of events
- increase the number of visitors and time spent in the market and the wider town
- create an inviting ‘sense of arrival’ that draws people into the market and create an attractive environment that people will enjoy
- improve layouts to maximise useable floor space, improve accessibility and the flow through the market and preserve its historic features.
The project
This project is supported by the Capital Regeneration Programme and Telford & Wrekin Council.
The funding will deliver:
- address the significant property defects and overall poor condition of the market
- the correction of liability issues to enable more consistent evening events
- purchase of Wellington Market into the ownership of Telford & Wrekin Council and restoration of the building
- improvements to access, visibility and impact of the market by transforming the approaches and entrance points and creating attractive public spaces
- improvements to Market Street and Church Street.
Latest consultation – December 2023 – February 2024
The latest consultation for the Wellington Market project has now been completed. It has helped to gather opinions on the current market and understand aspirations for the future. The consultation included engagement with market traders, the public and other local stakeholders.
The findings of this consultation have identified key priorities and will now be used to inform the next steps in the design process and future plans for the market.
Keys findings from the consultation are that people:
- are supportive and positive about the market and traders as valuable community assets
- would like continued incremental improvements and diversity of offer
- would like upgrades to infrastructure including heating, toilet facilities, and automatic doors
- would like extended trading hours and more regular evening opening
- would like more events including food festivals, farmers markets, and night markets
- are keen to minimise disruption during works.
For a summary of the findings of the latest consultation, download Wellington Market – Engagement Outcomes March 2024.
Previous consultation
The results of the 2020 Telford & Wrekin Council resident survey (5,473 responses) and the public survey carried out in June 2022 (686 responses) has helped to inform the development of the Wellington Market proposals to date.
Headlines include:
- 83% of respondents agreed / strongly agreed that “Wellington Market is a key asset to the Town Centre” (June 2022 survey)
- 93% of respondents agreed / strongly agreed that “they would like to see more independent businesses in the Town Centre” (June 2022 survey).
- 74% of respondents agreed / strongly agreed that “they would like to attend events and activities in Wellington Town Centre” (June 2022 survey).
- 80% of respondents “do not think Wellington is living up to its market town brand” (residents survey 2020)
Respondents to the surveys also expressed:
- a desire to strengthen independent shops and local sourcing, food and drink offer and events, public spaces and cultural facilities in the town.
- strong support for Wellington Market and desire to see investment, extended opening and wider variety on offer.
- occasional / infrequent users of the Market, when asked why they visited as little as they did, commented on the lack of variety of goods, lack of atmosphere, the ‘run down’ appearance, and lack of convenience (opening times).
Key milestones
Winter 2024 / Spring 2025
Consultation and engagement activity.
Spring 2025
Submit planning applications for elements of market where needed.
Spring 2025
Works start on site.
Summer 2026
Completion of works.
Project team
The project is being managed by the Telford & Wrekin Council Place Programme team.
To contact the team about this project email
Frequently asked questions
This investment will safeguard the market’s future for the next fifty years and the newly refurbished facility will preserve this important asset and will ensure that the market continues to be a key destination in the heart of Wellington.
Investment in the fabric of the market, supporting small businesses, expanding the daytime, and evening economy in Wellington are all key priorities which will deliver benefits.
We will work with market traders to minimise disruption to trading during the works. Once the scale and phasing of the works is known we will be able to provide further details and work together with traders to support them during this period.
We will deliver the scheme in phases which will require traders to be moved temporarily. However, the market will remain open and traders will be able to continue to trade.
Works will start in Spring 2025.
We estimate that the construction works will take approximately one year to complete depending on the final design proposals and phasing requirements.
There should be limited impact on residents and businesses outside the market. Traders will be able to continue to trade but pockets of relocations will be needed to enable works to take place.
We are mindful of the potential impact on neighbouring businesses and will work closely with them to minimise disruptions. Our aim is to foster positive relationships with neighbouring establishments and mitigate any adverse effects of the regeneration works.
Refurbished and enhanced toilet facilities are proposed as part of the scheme. The delivery and location will be confirmed during the design process.
Improving accessibility is a key priority. We are exploring various enhancements, including the installation of ramps, accessible facilities, and improved signage. These works will be conducted in consultation with relevant stakeholders to ensure they meet the needs of all users.
One of the aims of the works is to make evening events at the market a regular occurrence.
Members of Telford & Wrekin Council’s communications team will be visiting the market regularly to build up a bank of trader profiles which will be shared each week on the market’s Facebook page as well as other social media platforms as part of a ‘Trader Thursday’ spotlight. We will make sure that all businesses are included to try and raise your profile. We are also looking to share other content about your businesses and hope to create new video content or positive PR stories going forward. If you have anything you would like promoting, please email: .
View information about all future public consultations via face to face, online events and surveys
In the meantime, you can find out information about the Wellington Market project on the Regeneration Telford website Wellington Market - Telford & Wrekin Council.
If you have any further questions or enquiries, please get in touch: