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Station Quarter

Telford & Wrekin Council building a bright future for Telford Town Centre

An aerial photo of Telford Town Centre.



Re-connecting telfordStation Quarter, the gateway from Telford Central train station through to Telford’s town centre, has been dominated for some time by cleared, brownfield sites, once occupied by unsustainable and outdated office buildings.

A large scale enabling works package has now been completed to prepare the site for development.

This transformational development will deliver:

  • improved connectivity between Telford Central and the key amenities within Telford town centre including the shopping centre, Southwater, Telford town park, and beyond
  • high quality, sustainable homes, business, leisure, and retail space
  • a high-tech digital skills and enterprise hub
  • new public spaces for residents and visitors
  • infrastructure promoting more sustainable living choices including direct access to walking and cycling routes, links to train and bus use, establishment of car clubs, and electric vehicle charging.

The project


Phase One of Station Quarter commenced Autumn 2023 with enabling works that prepared the site for development and completed Summer 2023.  

All phase one developments will be delivered by Summer 2026 and include:

  • Sq masterplan plotsPlot two - a digital skills and enterprise hub
    A hub for further and higher education, business start-up spaces, and a ground floor exhibition area with a café. The facility will offer courses largely focused on digital skills and maths to upskill people in a digital age and respond to local employer need and demand for enhanced digital skills provision. The development will attract and retain young people, upskill people of all ages in the fields of maths and digital, and support businesses to grow.

  • Plot five, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve - 194 town houses and apartments
    Consisting of 189 residential units, a combination of one, two, and three bed apartments and town houses, of mixed rental tenures, delivered by Nuplace, Telford & Wrekin Council’s housing investment company, and its housing partner, Legal & General Affordable Homes. This first phase of high quality, sustainable, urban living, responds to Telford’s need for one and two bedroom homes in accessible locations, offering a mix of private and affordable rent, and shared ownership options.
  • Public realm
    Extensive highways improvements enhancing connectivity from the Swallow Bridge/Train Station exit onto Ironmasters Way, through to the Lawn Central junction and up to Telford shopping centre; the creation of new public amenity spaces and squares; and new public realm and highways networks to support the new residential developments.
  • Future opportunities
    Phase one developments will unlock longer term plans to enhance what will be a diverse education, employment, and housing offer in Telford town centre. Future phases have the potential to deliver further residential, education and office accommodation on the final parcels of the Station Quarter master plan.



Consultation and engagement has taken place with stakeholders and the local community throughout the project to date via a range of online surveys, public consultation meetings, as well as workshops with specific groups that will continue to support detailed design.

Initial engagement with local businesses and the community secured views on the redevelopment of the Station Quarter site against the themes of Destination Telford, Housing, Environment and Education. Feedback highlighted a desire for modern and sustainable housing, and new education facilities and business incubator space.

A community consultation exercise was also carried out during June 2022 involved public exhibitions, social media advertisements and information shared on the Telford Towns Fund website. Feedback supported final design development in advance of the planning application submission that sought detailed approval for phase one, and outline approval for future phases. Visit the Telford planning portal to view the approved planning application, the reference number is TWC/2022/0914.

Download our Statement of Community Engagement, to find out more about the consultation and engagement activies that were carried out, as well as future engagement plans.

Key milestones


Autumn 2024
Digital Skills and Enterprise Hub opens.

Summer 2024
Residential development commences.

Summer 2024
Lawn Central and Ironmasters Way public realm highway works commence.

Summer 2026 
All phase one developments, including public realm, complete (phased handover)

Project team

The project is being managed by the Telford & Wrekin Council Place Programme team.

To contact the team about this project email

Frequently asked questions


The significance of introducing residential development into a town centre is well documented as being key to sustaining vibrant town centres in the face of changing retail habits. To achieve this, it is vital that different house types and tenures are offered to support a mixed community, accepting that people’s needs change over time.

This approach responds to key findings set out in the Telford & Wrekin Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2016 which identifies a need for all types of housing, specifically one and two bed affordable housing.

In addition, where we can maximise the use of brownfield land for the delivery of housing units, this reduces the need to consider other sites

Station Quarter will deliver high quality, mixed tenure housing with a range of private rent, shared ownership and affordable rent dwellings being delivered in the first phase with future phases delivering homes for owner occupation. The target market is young professionals and small families who are looking for an alternative housing option which benefits from access to a range of facilities on the doorstep as well as excellent transport links. In the first phase, responsibility for housing and tenancy management will rest with Nuplace, the Council's wholly owned housing company, and the appointed Housing Association. The scheme will be actively managed to ensure that Station Quarter becomes a vibrant and sustainable community within a central location. The recent release of the Nuplace development off Southwater Way highlights the demand for housing within the Town Centre.

Among many other assessments, Traffic, Noise and Air Quality Assessments for the development have been carried out and designs incorporate measures, like any other town centre living, that ensure the town centre environment is an enjoyable place to live.

There is a range of accessible homes including single storey residential accommodation built to meet accessibility standards.

Station Quarter's proximity to a host of facilities and amenities within a short walking/cycle distance, or short bus ride away, demonstrates that the site is suitable and sustainable for a range of uses including residential. Proximity to key public transport hubs and the strategic highway network also increases the accessibility of the site to sustainable and high frequency transport connections. With a need to move towards more sustainable travel patterns, efforts to support and encourage this change in travel habits and reduce dependence on private car use, is critical.

Resident on-site parking will be available, but at a reduced level, reflecting Station Quarter’s sustainable town centre location and the availability of adjacent town centre parking, often empty on evenings and throughout the night having catered for the daytime employment and retail demand. Living in Station Quarter will be a sustainable lifestyle choice and an offer not currently available in Telford.

Station Quarter's proximity to a host of facilities and amenities within a short walking/cycle distance, or short bus ride away, demonstrates that the site is suitable and sustainable for a range of uses including residential. Proximity to key public transport hubs and the strategic highway network also increases the accessibility of the site to sustainable and high frequency transport connections. With a need to move towards more sustainable travel patterns, efforts to support and encourage this change in travel habits and reduce dependence on private car use, is critical.

Resident on-site parking will be available, but at a reduced level, reflecting Station Quarter’s sustainable town centre location and the availability of adjacent town centre parking, often empty on evenings and throughout the night having catered for the daytime employment and retail demand. Living in Station Quarter will be a sustainable lifestyle choice and an offer not currently available in Telford.

The curriculum planned to be delivered from the Skills Hub will involve Digital Studies in topics such as computer science, infrastructure and digital support – these will be from level 1 up to level 5, supporting full-time 16-18 students, part-time adults and apprentices. Plus Maths courses to support the Levelling Up agenda, including Functional Skills and GCSE for adults, and computer science and further maths for pre-16 pupils working in partnership with local schools.

Further information on the opportunities to be made available from the Skills Hub will be made available form this website soon.

As a council led development, sustainability is a primary influencing factor in the evolution of any proposals for the Station Quarter development. The inclusion of sustainability and climate change design measures are being considered throughout the design development process and include incorporating technologies to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions; instilling the mentality, and supporting the ability, to adopt sustainable travel choices; sustainable water use; and enhancing biodiversity.

As a council we are committed to ensuring that every child in the borough has access to good educational facilities. This is reflected in the current investments taking place at a number of schools including the recently completed Langley and Haughton expansions and the current investment at Holy Trinity Academy. As is the norm with any planning application which include residential development, the Council, as applicant, will be expected to contribute by way of a Section 106 Agreement towards the continual investment in educational facilities. The provision of GP spaces is a matter for the NHS with whom the Local Planning Authority consult as part of planning and investment setting.

We are working with the landscape architects as well as colleagues at the council to identify and specify materials that we know are sustainable and durable but can be easily replaced and maintained. This includes reviewing lessons learnt in relation to materials used historically. Alongside this we are developing a maintenance strategy for the public spaces.

The ongoing design development process for Station Quarter incorporates engagement and consultation with a wider range of stakeholders, exploring key design principles that improve accessibility, connectivity, and safety between the key destinations of Telford's train station, shopping centre, Southwater and beyond. The Team are also liaising with key stakeholder regards the town centre wide CCTV system currently in operation, of which the Station Quarter is captured, and opportunities to enhance this.

A red silhouette of the Telford and Wrekin strapline.