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Theatre Quarter

Telford & Wrekin Council building a bright future for Oakengates

Artist impressions of the new plans for the Theatre Quarter



The Oakengates Theatre Quarter will regenerate Oakengates town centre, boosting footfall into Oakengates and transforming the 1960’s shopping precinct into a modern, welcoming shopping experience for residents and visitors alike.

The Theatre Quarter which is located in the area between the theatre and the Wakes, encompassing the area of Limes Walk and the adjoining Market Street frontages have been developed in response to feedback from consultation activities undertaken to support the development of the Telford’s Town Investment Plan.

Download the Telford's Town Investment Plan

A map of the new plans for the Theatre Quarter.

The project


This project is supported by Towns Funding and Telford & Wrekin Council.

The project will:

  • reconfigure ground floor retail units and refurbish fourteen new shop frontages increasing attraction for shoppers
  • create ten new first floor sustainable residential units (mix of one and two bed) providing new homes in the centre of Oakengates, delivered for Telford & Wrekin Council's wholly owned housing company, Nuplace
  • remove the existing shop canopy to the retail units to open up the area, improve natural light to the retail units and create a lighter more welcoming pedestrianised area directly outside the shops
  • create a new enlarged public space to host events and activities including an enhanced market. This will include:
    • improved paving to define the entrance space for Telford Theatre @ Oakengates and The Wakes
    • provision of raised planters with integrated seating and enhanced street furniture
    • provision of spill out zones in front of retail units, the Theatre and The Wakes
    • screening at the top of the ‘theatre ramp’ to act as a screen to act as a wind break
    • pop up power for events.

It is a priority to keep all active businesses in Oakengates trading. The council continues to work with those who may be affected by the proposals to help them move to improved premises in the town, either within the development or into one of the vacant units available in the wider town centre.

The council’s Pride in our High Street (PioHS) initiative has already supported businesses in Oakengates including Christine’s Florists, Gems, Kings Menswear and Champion Dog Shop. Since September 2023, a new round of PioHS grant opportunities are now available for application. Grants include:

  • ‘High street start-up grants’ – up to £10,000. These grants provide funding to businesses looking to open in a currently empty retail unit on the high street
  • ‘Trial start-up grants’ – up to £1,000. A low risk opportunity for individuals to trial their high street business either in an empty unit or on a local market

View more information about Pride in our High Street.

Appointment of contractor 

Morris Property one of the county’s leading construction companies have been appointed as preferred contractor to deliver the scheme. A site office has been established at Unit 1 Limes Walk which is open for any construction related queries. 

Work started on Monday 2 October 2023 and will unfold in phases; the first phase seeing works to transform Units 6 to 22 Limes Walk.


It is a priority to keep all active businesses in Oakengates trading. The Council continues to work with those who may be affected by the proposals to help them move to alterative premises in the town, either within the development or into one of the vacant units available in the wider town centre. An update on businesses affected by the proposals is set out below:

View updates on the status of tenants affected.
Some’Ink Different

Relocated to improved premises at 1 New Street, Oakengates. Further information about this relocation can be found on the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom website.

Oriental 888 Harmony Massage

Relocated to improved premises at 11 New Street, Oakengates. Further information about this relocation and other businesses affected by the remodelling of Telford Theatre can be found on the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom website.

Proactive Personnel

Relocated to improved premises at the long term vacant former Barclays Bank building on Market Street. Further information about this relocation can be found on the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom webpage.

Severn Hospice

Relocated to improved premises at 51B Market Street, Oakengates. Further information about this relocation can be found on the Shropshire Star website.

Red Cross

Temporary relocation to 41 Market Street prior to returning to refurbished premises at 14/16 Limes Walk. Further information about this relocation can be found on the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom website.


Terms offered for a new unit


Terms offered for a new unit

Extra Care

Supporting with a temporary relocation prior to returning to refurbished premises at 39 Market Street


Relocated to new premises at 85 Market Street, Oakengates

Efra Fast Food

Terms offered for a new unit

Sraan Butcher Shop

Terms offered for a new unit

Community Helpp

Supporting a relocation



December 2022: Further public consultation

A public exhibition was held showcasing the refined development proposals and details of the planning application.

November 2022: Planning Application

All feedback has been considered throughout the development of this project. The detailed planning application for the Oakengates Theatre Quarter development was submitted in November 2022 (planning consent granted on 13 February 2023). Visit the Telford planning portal to view the planning application. The reference number is TWC/2022/0924.

November 2022: business engagement

A further tenant drop-in session was hosted by the Oakengates Chamber of Trade.

June/July 2022: Development of the Project Business Case

Consultation was carried out to support the development of the project business case. This included one-to-one meetings with local businesses affected by the proposals, a public exhibition at Oakengates Library and a public survey. This consultation was publicised widely via social media, press, by direct mail drops, local advertising mediums and the Telford Towns Fund website.

2019: Development of Town Investment Plan

Public engagement began in 2019 with stakeholders, residents and the wider community to help inform the development of the Town Investment Plan. Visit the Telford Towns Fund website to view details of engagement activity.

Key milestones


Winter 2022
Planning application submission.

Spring 2023
Planning consent.

Autumn 2023
Start on site (phased).

Summer/Autumn 2025
Scheme completion.

Project team

The project is being managed by the Telford & Wrekin Council Place Programme team.

To contact the team about this project email oakengatesregeneration@telford.gov.uk.

Frequently asked questions


The removal of the retail units between Limes Walk and The Wakes is aimed at bringing The Place and Market Street closer to the High Street helping to consolidate the town centre. The redevelopment will support the provision of an enlarged public realm space to enhance the prominence of the theatre and create a focus for amenity and events/activities as well as creating better spaces for improved outlets within an enhanced, pedestrian focused environment.

As part of the proposals, the retained units on Limes Walk will be reconfigured to create additional units, introducing diversity into the retail offer and support an active retail frontage to encourage footfall and spend in existing businesses and those relocated as part of the development proposals. These works will be supported by a programme of shopfront improvements to enhance the image of the town.

The significance of introducing residential development into a town centre is well documented as being key to sustaining vibrant town centres in the face of changing retail habits.

Among many other assessments, traffic, noise and air quality assessments for the development are being carried out and the design detail will incorporate measures, like any other town centre living that ensure the town centre environment is an enjoyable place to live.

The development will provide a high quality housing offer, located at the heart of the town centre and benefitting from its amenities as well as proximity to Oakengates rail station. Delivered to Nationally Described Space Standards, with large open plan living spaces, the dwellings will be targeted at a younger demographic and seek to increase footfall, spend and vitality within the heart of Oakengates. The new housing offer will meet energy efficiency standards and is situated in a sustainable location with direct access to the Oakengates train station and bus services. Responsibility for housing and tenancy management will rest with Nuplace, the Council's wholly owned housing company.

The council recognises this is a period of uncertainty for businesses and is in contact with those directly affected by the proposals to provide tailored support to each occupier. Whilst a number of businesses are being offered the opportunity to remain within the development, others will be supported to find new premises.

Work is not programmed to start until 2023 which provides a lead in period for the council to help businesses plan for the future and for the council to design the phasing of the redevelopment works to minimise the effects on businesses and the wider town centre whilst works are underway.

We've bid against the parameters set out within the Towns Fund bidding criteria and to ensure that we give the greatest impact from the investment.

Extensive consultation and engagement has taken place at a number of levels to help inform the development of the Town Investment Plan. Visit the Telford Towns Fund website to view information about developing the Town Investment Plan.

These answers have been compiled from frequently asked questions arising from the latest consultation and engagement on the proposals which took place between 24 June 2022 and 15 July 2022.

We are committed to the ongoing provision of free car parking within council owned car parks within Oakengates. We are aware of the issues of car parking availability and are working to develop a long term parking plan for Oakengates, taking into account concerns raised to us.

As part of the works to enhance and improve the public realm, the design proposals extend to incorporate the upgrading of the ramp leading from the main car park behind the theatre. This will include resurfacing works, addressing the condition of the handrails and views to the service yard behind The Wakes.

As a council we are committed to ensuring that every child in the borough has access to good educational facilities. This is reflected in the current investments taking place at a number of schools including the recently completed Langley and Horton expansions and the current investment at Holy Trinity Academy. As is the norm with any planning application which include residential development, the council, as applicant, will be expected to contribute by way of a Section 106 Agreement towards the continual investment in educational facilities. The provision of GP spaces is a matter for the NHS with whom the Local Planning Authority consult as part of planning and investment setting.

We are working with the landscape architects as well as colleagues at the council to identify and specify materials that we know are sustainable and durable, but can be easily replaced and maintained. This includes reviewing lessons learnt in relation to materials used historically. Alongside this we are developing a maintenance strategy for the wider public space.

The aim of the development is to open up the area to improve visibility and accessibility between these key areas, including the demolition of the central block of retail and the removal of the canopy that wraps around the shops. The introduction of a residential use over the retail units provides an active residential community within an area that would normally close when the retail function ends. The team are also liaising with key stakeholders regarding the operation and refinement of the current CCTV system.

A red silhouette of the Telford and Wrekin strapline.