Telford & Wrekin Council building a bright future for Wellington

Wellington is an ancient town, with a distinctive identity and proud history, dating back to the twelfth century. It is the largest market town by population in Shropshire and has an array of historic and environmental assets with excellent transport links. It has the potential to be one of the regions’ most successful independent small towns and to make a significant contribution to Telford’s economy.
Like Oakengates, Wellington had been suffering from a decline in the number of people visiting the town and a lack of investment by the private sector in some of the town’s most significant assets such as Wellington Market, the old YMCA building and others in the conservation area. The Council has been leading the way on high street regeneration in Wellington, which has benefitted significantly from new business start up grants that are creating a fantastic independent shopping and eating offer. Some 41 businesses have opened in Wellington with Council help and 34 shop facades have been regenerated, transforming the look and feel of the town.
Complementing the Council’s investment in local business there has also been investment in highways infrastructure such as the transformation of Market Street. Together with growing investment from the private sector and from committed local organisations such as the Town Council, perceptions of the town are being transformed with growing footfall from locals and visitors alike.
Most recently, the council has secured government funding to continue the town’s regeneration. The historic Wellington Market has been acquired and the Council will be consulting with stallholders and the wider community before undertaking a large-scale refurbishment. The Council has already grant funded businesses to establish a ‘food court’ in the market and the new investment will complete the transformation, making the Market fit for the future.
The Council’s successful bid for funding has also enabled the Clifton Group to purchase the former bank building in Market Square, home to the Orbit cinema and café. The funding will now allow for the further refurbishment of the building to create a true community and cultural hub. The Council has also been enabled to purchase key buildings in the town centre conservation area such as the old YMCA building on Walker Street which will be transformed into high quality living accommodation with ground floor commercial space. The creation of town centre living space will increase trade for local business, particularly those that are in the food and drink sector and are fuelling Wellington’s ‘foodie’ reputation.
Take a look at our regeneration projects