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All future public consultations via face to face and online events, surveys and polls will be published on this page for all funding programmes.

If you have a question about any of our projects please email regeneration@telford.gov.uk.

Wellington Market


Latest consultation – December 2023 – February 2024

The latest consultation for the Wellington Market project has now been completed and has helped to gather opinions on the current market and understand aspirations for the future. The consultation included engagement with market traders, the public and other local stakeholders. 

The findings of this consultation have identified key priorities and will now be used to inform the next steps in the design process and future plans for the market.

Keys findings from the consultation are that people:

  • are supportive and positive about the market and traders as valuable community assets
  • would like continued incremental improvements and diversity of offer
  • would like upgrades to infrastructure including heating, toilet facilities, and automatic doors
  • would like extended trading hours and more regular evening opening 
  • would like more events including food festivals, farmers markets, and night markets
  • are keen to minimise disruption during works.

View a summary of the engagement outcomes from the latest consultation for Wellington Market

Telford Theatre remodelling project


The latest consultation for the Telford Theatre remodelling project which included a public event and community survey carried out in December 2023 is now complete, signifying a step forward in transforming Telford Theatre @ Oakengates.

Two successful drop-in events at Telford Theatre on 5 and 6 December 2023 drew in over 120 people, representing diverse interests from amateur dramatics club members, residents, local businesses and show producers. During the events there was opportunity to view the initial designs and for the public to share their feedback to inform future design. In addition 597 people completed the community survey where they gave their views on the latest proposals

Key findings from the consultation include:

  • 79.0% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the initial plans for the theatre
  • The greatest support was for the introduction of additional toilets, with 91.8% in favour
  • 85.7% supported the introduction of green technology.
  • 83.2% favoured the creation of a larger main auditorium, and 80.7% supported a new bar/foyer
  • 74.9% believed that remodelling the theatre would attract more visitors to Oakengates, supporting local businesses
  • 67.5% thought it would improve the town centre and raise the reputation and profile of Oakengates
  • 76.6% agreed that the proposed new entrances would improve access to the theatre.
  • 64.5% indicated that the plans would make them much more likely or more likely to visit the theatre in the future

Many other insightful comments were received about the proposed changes and these are already helping to inform the next stages of design. In response to comments raised the ‘response to themes raised in consultation’ document provides further information about how the project is addressing key themes raised by the local people.

For a summary of the Telford Theatre Survey findings, download Telford Theatre @ Oakengates Consultation survey report.

To view a summary of further comments received, you can download Appendix - Telford Theatre @ Oakengates Remodelling Consultation Survey.

A red silhouette of the Telford and Wrekin strapline.