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Improvements made to Silkin Way

Action delivered...

An illustration of a calendar with the words "100" inside, the calendar is sat beside white text say "day plan" on a red background.

Telford & Wrekin Council has completed the latest stage of improvements to the Silkin Way, delivering on one of the 16 commitments set out in the local authority’s ‘100 day plan’.

The improvement works have been carried out along the full 14 miles of the popular Silkin Way walking and cycling route which forms a green corridor between Bratton in the north and Coalport in the south.

The enhancement project began in November 2022 with the installation of improved signage and way-markers, benches, bike parking ‘hoops’ and general maintenance to smoothen the path’s surface.

More recently, the project has seen new solar-powered street lights added along the northern part of the route, where this technology is being trialled for efficiency, with potential for further roll-out. CCTV cameras have also been added along the route.

A picture of a Telford & Wrekin Councillor stood on the pavement of Silkin Way.

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