Telford & Wrekin Council launched the Safer & Stronger Communities project in 2021 with support from the Police & Crime Commissioner to help residents feel safer in their homes and communities.
This is being achieved by working closely with residents and addressing needs directly with residents in key areas across Telford and Wrekin. The joint initiative will see Telford & Wrekin Council contribute £2m and an additional £500k from the Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion invested into areas of Telford over the next two years.
Residents are invited to give their views at roadshows and online to help creates projects such as youth groups, social clubs, and/or sports teams. They are also been asked to help reduce opportunities for wrongdoings such as fly tipping, graffiti and anti-social behaviour.
The Safer and Stronger Communities events have been completed so far with the next round of events due to be announced soon.
It’s easy to get involved, simply email the team with any issues you would like to raise in terms of safety such as requests for CCTV or improved street lighting or if you would like to create a group that supports your community at


Meet the team
Meet the team

Safer & Stronger areas
Safer & Stronger areas

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Make a change 11 - 18
Make a change 11 - 18

Youth activities
Youth activities

Urban games
Urban games