The Health Protection Hub provides advice and support to social care settings and social care providers in relation to health protection matters. Listed below is a selection of the more commonly referenced resources available to the social care sector.
Infectious diseases resources
- infection prevention and control (IPC) in adult social care settings
- infection prevention and control (IPC) in adult social care: COVID-19 supplement
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care services
- health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce
- Norovirus toolkit 2021 - a resource for care homes
- infection control poster for visitors
Hot weather and health resources
- Supporting vulnerable people before and during hot weather: social care managers, staff, and carers
- Supporting vulnerable people before and during hot weather: healthcare professionals
- Adverse Weather and Heat Plan
Cold weather and health resources
- helping to prevent winter deaths and illnesses associated with cold homes - quick guide for home care managers
- cold weather planning for commissioners and local authoritie (PDF, 377KB)
- cold weather planning for health and social care providers (PDF, 376KB)
- cold weather planning for frontline health and social care staff (PDF, 377KB)
- cold weather planning for GPs and practice staff (PDF, 371KB)
Last updated: 26/05/2023 15:02