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Ambition three: inclusive healthy, independent lives

In 2032...

The health of the borough has improved significantly. Gaps in life expectancy between our most affluent and most and least in need neighbourhoods have reduced and levels of obesity and smoking have continued to fall.

One of the key factors in these changes is the fact that more residents are physically active, benefiting from the borough’s green network and promotion of active travel which have made walking and cycling more popular. Across the borough there is a wide range of affordable opportunities to be active, including at community locations and with local sports clubs/groups. The Council has continued to invest in its network of leisure centres and swimming pools.

More people living physically active lives is also helping to support mental health and wellbeing - complementing the informal network of clubs and activities that has grown over the past decade to tackle social isolation and create opportunities for self-help and mutual support.

A photo showing cyclists riding through a wooded area in Telford Town ParkThis success in improving lifestyles and mental health is underpinned by the progress made in ensuring public services are better integrated so that health and care provision are readily accessible and meet need more effectively. Residents can access a GP when required and there is a seamless interface between hospital and care.

Whether you’re an older person that needs a little help to remain independent, someone with long-term physical disabilities or have learning difficulties, you can thrive thanks to a diversified care offer for those that need support. Digital technology plays a key enabling role in this - built on the borough’s superfast broadband capacity.

The age profile of the borough in 2032 will be older. From 2021 there will be a 30% increase in the number of residents aged 65 or more to 42,300. Whilst some residents in this age group will need support, many will contribute to the vibrancy of civic life in the borough - volunteering and taking part in community groups and activities.

All children have the best possible start in life. Their health, wellbeing, development and education is nurtured from the day they’re born. No child is invisible to key services.

Across the borough there is much for both children and adults to do thanks to a varied, affordable leisure, culture and arts offer for residents and visitors alike. Much of this activity is built on volunteering and other informal networks with people coming together to pursue their passions and interests.

Telford’s Town Park is a focus for a variety of events - bringing together residents and visitors to the borough and including the International Balloon Festival, rock and pop concerts, the Telford Carnival and Armed Forces Day. Telford Theatre has been refurbished and extended offering a wider programme of events with amphitheatre in the Town Park brought back into use as an outdoor performance venue. Many of these events and activities are free and ensure the borough offers an inclusive environment.

A photo of a man with his props at the Telford Carnival

Last updated: 20/09/2022 15:29