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Ambition two: inclusive communities that are vibrant, safe and clean

In 2032...

The borough is recognised as a place that welcomes everyone, whatever their background. Telford has been built on people moving from the West Midlands and further afield and this has continued.

All parts of our increasingly diverse community are visible and celebrated through a variety of events, from religious and cultural festivals to LGBTQ+ pride parades.

All residents feel safe in their immediate neighbourhood and take pride in its appearance.

Volunteer groups play a key role in this and communities are strong and resilient - the borough is a place where local activism and community groups thrive. Residents are engaged and are able to influence what happens in their neighbourhoods.

A photo of a large pride flag carried by people attending a pride paradeA wide range of people participate in elections and play a role in civic life standing as Councillors or school governors.

As people age they are able to remain living independently in their communities surrounded by neighbours, family and friends.

Enabling different generations to live side by side has become the foundation for building strong inclusive communities.

Every resident can access quality affordable housing that meets their specific needs. Homes across the borough are increasingly energy efficient and the majority use low carbon, sustainable energy.

In South Telford, estates have been regenerated with the housing stock brought up to a good standard while wider environmental issues have improved by tackling anti-social behaviour and crime. The estate centres are thriving and are run by a raft of voluntary and community groups who know what best meets local needs and work to support these communities.

High streets are diverse and thriving and play an essential part in the life of these communities. Each borough town has a specific offer and focus. For example, Oakengates is the home of a thriving performing arts sector centred around the Telford Theatre and Wellington has a diverse retail offer focussed on the 13th century market.

Communities are connected through an effective integrated low carbon transport network. Public transport is fit for purpose, affordable and responsive to demand with hubs in our borough towns and employment centres.

The infrastructure for electric vehicles is in place to meet rising demand but there has also been a switch from cars to active travel which has been enabled through investment in the borough’s cycle and footways. The Silkin Way provides a north-south spine route for active travel. It is possible to travel from south Telford to Telford College quickly and cheaply.

Residents from all parts of the borough can readily access the borough’s key employment sites and affordable supermarkets – they are no longer reliant on taxis for these essential journeys.

A photo of children at Telford Carnival

Last updated: 20/09/2022 15:32