Share our passion for making a difference
As Social Workers and Social Care Practitioners, entering the lives of families, building relationships, working to understand the challenges and struggles they are experiencing and celebrating their successes is a real privilege. Central to our work is listening to and hearing the voices and experiences of the children we walk alongside, as it is this that guides the work we do and the help we provide to make a difference. We also know that the needs of each child, young person and family is different and with this comes complexity.
Here in Telford and Wrekin, our focus is to work collaboratively with children and their families, using language that cares whilst encompassing our overarching values and commitments to delivering the best possible outcomes for all children and young people. We know that only by working together, with each other and with children and their families, can our practice flourish and positive outcomes be achieved.
Good quality practice is the key to safeguarding and supporting young people, providing the expertise, knowledge and experience to enable them and their families to create change and improve their lives. We hold the value that children and young people are best cared for by their birth families and extended networks where this is safe to do so. The relationships we build with families are key to promoting change and we strive to support families by reflecting principles of acceptance, empathy, respect and positive regard - the building blocks to relational practice.
Where it is not possible for children to safely remain within their birth family or extended network, we seek to ensure that their relationships are maintained in line with their best interests. Birth parents and extended networks are included within decision-making processes, and we provide alternative care which is nurturing.
We have been on a continuous journey of transformation and innovation and in both our 2020 Ofsted Inspection and our 2024 Ofsted Inspection we were judged to be Outstanding; the only Authority in the West Midlands with this judgement.
Here’s just some of the great things Ofsted had to say when they visited us earlier this year:
- Children and families in Telford and Wrekin continue to experience exceptional social work practice when they are in care and as care leavers.
- Participation is a real strength and children’s and families’ involvement is threaded throughout service developments.
- The engagement with children and families who are subject to child in need and child protection planning has been exceptional and had significant impact on service development.
- Social workers know their children well and have developed effective relationships with parents, which enables them to understand concerns and what needs to change.
- Children’s care plans are aspirational. They are thorough and address children’s specific needs.
- Care leavers benefit from an extremely comprehensive and generous local offer.
- Staff benefit from a strong learning culture.
- The stability of the experienced workforce creates the perfect environment to benefit children and care leavers. As a result, social workers maintain relationships with children who know them over many years, which contributes to children’s feeling of belonging.
- Staff enjoy working in an environment where senior leaders are visible, and they feel valued.
- The strong commitment of the corporate leadership is evident in the political and financial support for children’s services in Telford and Wrekin.
We are looking for the passionate, experienced, innovative and committed people to join us. In doing so, you will join an enthusiastic and vibrant team of social workers and other professionals who are outcomes focused, relational and who operate with a strong team ethos.
If you share our passion for making a difference, we would be delighted if you joined us. For more information, you can reach us at csrecruitment@telford.gov.uk.

Jo Britton
Executive Director, Children and Family Services
Watch the YouTube vieo from Jo Britton:

Darren Knibbs
Director, Children’s Safeguarding and Family Support
Watch the YouTube video from Darren Knibbs: