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Year 6

The units for Y6 and Y7 aim to support transition into Key Stage 3 and give you the opportunity of building on what pupils can remember and do, and extend them into a follow-on piece of work that builds on this. Importantly, all the units support pupils developing the key vocabulary to enable them to understand, talk and write about RE. They have been produced by practitioners in our local schools who understand the needs of our pupils.

Unit of work

Download the unit about religion and the individual: how do people follow the guidance of their religion? (Christians and Buddhists)

Download the new model transition unit Y6 - Y7 - religion and the individual

Resources for Buddhism

Resources for Christianity

Video, CD/DVD and audio:

Useful websites - Buddhism

Useful websites - Christian 

Unit of work

Download the unit about how do people express their spiritual ideas through the arts? (Christianity)

Resources for Buddhism

Resources for Judaism

Resources for Sikhism

Resources for Hinduism

Video, CD/DVD and audio:

Resources for Christianity

Video, CD/DVD and audio:

Books and resource packs:

Useful websites

Useful websites - Christianity

Unit of work

Download the unit about Religions in the local community and what will make our town/village a more respectful place?

Resources for Buddhism

Resources for Judaism

Resources for Hinduism

Resources for Christianity

Video, CD/DVD and audio:

Resources for religious visits

Useful websites

Useful websites - Christianity

Last updated: 26/05/2021 13:38