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SACRE Annual conference

SACRE Annual conference 2021

RE: 'it does what it says on the tin!'

World views and interfaith perspectives, modern British values, diversity, respect and tolerance.

This two day virtual conference is aimed at RE subject leads, headteachers and senior leaders in Telford & Wrekin primary, secondary and special schools.

  • Day one: Thursday 29 April 2021 - 4pm to 6.30pm.
  • Day two: Thursday 27 May 2021 - 9.30am to 3.15pm.

The conference will feature a number of key note speakers and workshops across the two days and will explore and develop the main issues covered in the new Telford & Wrekin RE Agreed Syllabus. Delegates will have the opportunity to consider in greater depth a range of faiths, as well as reviewing new exemplar units of work from Key Stages 1 to 3 that support the Agreed Syllabus.

Day one:

Day two:

To book your place/s, please complete and return a CPD booking form to cpdschoolimprovement@telford.gov.uk quoting ‘RE Conference’.

The conference will:

  • provide an opportunity for teachers and leaders to understand the aims of the new Telford and Wrekin RE Agreed Syllabus
  • re-inforce the importance of ‘protected characteristics’ as defined in the Equality Act 2010, and referred to in the current Ofsted inspection framework (September 2019), and their importance in the teaching of RE
  • raise awareness of the importance of pupils being well-informed, respectful members of society who value diversity and strive to understand others
  • support teachers to develop pupils’ knowledge of the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews and enable pupils to consider their own responses to questions about the meaning and purpose of life
  • ensure that colleagues have access to an up to date directory for visits and current resources to support the teaching of RE.

Key note speakers:

  • Day one
    • Dr Richard Kueh HMI and Ofsted Subject Lead for RE.
    • Naila Missous, BAMEed Network.
    • Dr James Holt, Assistant Professor for RE, University of Chester.
  • Day two
    • Dr James Holt, Assistant Professor for RE, University of Chester.
    • Dr Opinderjit Kaur Takhar, MBE, Associate Professor of Sikh Studies and Director of the Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies.
    • Cllr Rajash Mehta, Chair of the Telford & Wrekin Interfaith Council.

By the end of the conference colleagues will:

  • understand the key concepts that pupils will explore from EYFS to the end of KS5 in terms of their knowledge, skills and attitudes
  • gain an overview of the key questions that are considered at each key stage and which underpin pupils’ knowledge and skills
  • be able to provide pupils with a toolbox which they can use to explore moral and ethical issues that face our society.

  • £40 per school for up to three delegates, including a governor.

Following attendance across the two days of the conference, schools will receive:

  • the new Telford & Wrekin RE Agreed Syllabus
  • sample units of work
  • a link to the directory and the resources.

Last updated: 09/05/2022 08:44

  1. 2022
  2. 2021