Essential planned maintenance to online services

The work will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 from 6pm. From this time our online services; online forms and My Telford and websites may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

What is SACRE?

SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education and every local authority must have one. The law requires every school to teach RE, and have collective worship of a largely Christian nature. The local SACRE ensures that what is taught best reflects the local community. SACRE advises its schools on what is taught in religious education (RE) through its locally ‘agreed syllabus’ (AS) and how to improve the teaching of RE and collective worship. If schools do not wish to teach the AS, or if they want to change their collective worship, they must apply to SACRE for a ‘determination’. This allows the school to modify its RE provision so that it can teach about the faiths which reflect the beliefs of the majority of their pupils.

Importantly, this is your SACRE, because it is made up of people from the local community, and representatives of the different faith groups, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh, as well as non-secular groups, and local teachers.

RE is important because it helps pupils understand our society and learn about the importance of tolerance, respect and valuing diversity. It reinforces modern British values and links to spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education. It helps pupils examine how we develop communities that are harmonious, and respectful of others, no matter what their beliefs, colour or background. RE is an important part of pupils’ wellbeing, helping them to understand who they are, and how faith and belief can determine and influence the culture they live in.

For more information about the work of Telford and Wrekin SACRE, or if you are interested in meeting the Chair of SACRE please contact the clerk:


Last updated: 20/05/2021 09:56