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Sanctuary Housing

Sanctuary Housing provides a range of high-quality affordable homes and support services across England and Scotland, reflecting the needs and aspirations of our customers and delivering services at a competitive cost. Our portfolio of properties ranges from general needs housing, supported housing, shared ownership and housing for older people.

We currently own 1,098 rented properties in the Telford & Wrekin Local Authority area, these are spread across 17 Estates/areas within Telford & Wrekin; Details of the locations and types properties we have within them are shown below.

Illustration of a row of light green houses

  • 1,098.

We have properties across the whole of Telford and Wrekin.

We have a full range of property types and sizes:

  • 1 / 2 / 3 and 4 bedroom houses
  • flats
  • bungalows.

  • 80.

None at present.

To be eligible for social housing applicants must:

  • be aged 16 or over
  • be assessed as being in housing need
  • meet the criteria of our lettings banding scheme.

Visit the Sanctuary Homes website for the full eligibility criteria and information on how we prioritise applicants on our waiting list.