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If you have information that could help lead to a prosecution for fly tipping, please call 01952 388800* and leave a message. * Fly tips cannot be reported on this number please download and use the MyTelford app.

Can you help us identify the person caught on CCTV fly-tipping these bed bases?

Date: Friday 10 May 2024, 9.45pm
Location: Boulton Grange flats, Randlay

Watch the YouTube video of man unloading the bed bases from his car and fly-tipping them before driving off:

Description: The footage shows a man unloading the bed bases from his car and fly-tipping them before driving off.

We would like to speak to this person and if you have information, please call our confidential number 01952 388800 and quote Boulton Grange.

Did you know that dumping waste by bins is still fly-tipping? It’s not nice for other residents because it looks an eyesore, could attract rats and is a fire hazard.

In the past year we’ve had 70 fly-tips reported here costing you money to clear up.

We regularly speak to residents about how to get rid of their waste properly. Need to get rid of bulky items? Book a collection which is free or discounted for eligible residents or visit our Household Recycling Centres

If you see a fly-tip, please report it on the MyTelford app which you can download.

Dog fouling, Brookside

Date: 9 May 2023, 18 May 2023 and 29 May 2023

Watch the YouTube video of the dog fouling in Brookside:

Location: Green space by Brookside Community Centre
Description: We would like to speak to these men who have allowed their dogs to foul and did not clear up, in the park by Brookside Community Centre.

Dog poo bags are available for free from the community centre.

We need your help to identify the men on CCTV as prosecutions for dog fouling offences rely on witness statements and without your help these people will not be held accountable.

If you can help, call our confidential helpline on 01952 388800 and quote ‘Brookside trio’.

Dalford Court, Hollinswood

Date: Saturday 6 May 2023, just before 7pm

Watch the YouTube video of the fly-tip at Dalford Court:

Location: Dalford Court, Hollinswood
Description: We would like to speak to these three men caught on camera dumping a TV by some communal bins near the flats. They were driving a blue van which has a non-UK number plate: VL 88 MDV.

We believe the vehicle drove into Telford and Wrekin via the A41 and left via the M54 the same day. We are investigating whether the same van has driven to Dalford Court on more than one occasion to dump waste, creating an eyesore and costing you money to get it cleared away.

We need your help to identify the vehicle owner, or the men caught on CCTV. If you have any information, call our confidential helpline on 01952 388800 and quote Dalford Court, Hollinswood.

Remember leaving waste by a bin is fly-tipping. To get rid of bulky items book a collection or take it to our household recycling centres.

Hurleybrook Way, Leegomery ID0015

Date: 15 and 16 February 2023

Watch the YouTube video of the fly tip in Leegomery:

Location: Hurleybrook Way, Leegomery
Description: It’s still dark when this woman is caught on CCTV just after 6am on 15 February carrying a microwave down a flight of steps and dumping it by some bushes. She then calmly walks away.

The following day, around the same time, a man leaves a bag of waste in the same spot before going back up the steps. He stops to look round checking no one is watching unaware he’s been caught on camera.

Do you know these people? Call our confidential helpline on 01952 388800 and quote Hurleybrook Way.

Spotted dumped waste? Report it on the My Telford app.

Want to keep updated on the latest appeals? Sign up to Telford and Wrekin Watch.

Canalside fly tip

Date: Friday 7 October 2022

Watch the YouTube video on the Canalside fly tip:

Location: Canalside, Trench
Description: On a rainy Friday afternoon at the start of October, two men dumped a tall fridge freezer in Trench. It’s just one case where the only evidence is CCTV - can you help identify them? The registration plate of the van links to a rented property in Leegomery. Where the owner no longer lives. Landlord has no record of the vehicle owner living there. If you can help, please call our confidential helpline on 01952 388 800 and quote ‘Canalside’. If you have seen a fly-tip please report it via the My Telford App.

Brookside Community Centre Case number 12

Brookside Community Centre Case no 12

Date: 25 March 2022
Location: Brookside Community Centre - What3words location palacesupsettingearplugs palaces.upsetting.earplugs
Description: One of our CCTV cameras caught this owner allowing his dog to foul and did not clear it up from the pavement just outside the entrance to Brookside community centre.

Everyone has a legal duty to clean up after their dog if they have fouled in a public place. And ‘no poo bags’ is not a reasonable excuse for failing to remove the faeces.

If you can help with any information to help identify those responsible and help us secure a prosecution, please email us twwatch@telford.gov.uk or call us anonymously 01952 388800.

Woodside ID010

Watch the YouTube video of the fly tip in Woodside:

Date: 7 March 2022
Location: Willowfield, Woodside - What3words location mimemammalspegs
Description: This flytip was found this week and dumped in full view outside residents’ windows in Willowfield, Woodside on a green space.

Our crews cleared the rubbish and have been looking through it for information that might help secure a prosecution.

The impact of a fly tip like this is devastating for residents who take great pride in where they live. In addition the cost of clearing something like this is carried by everyone in the borough.

If you can help with any information to help identify those responsible and help us secure a prosecution, please email us twwatch@telford.gov.uk or call us anonymously 01952 388000.

There are plenty of ways to dispose of waste:

Bluebell Lane ID006

Fly tip in Bluebell fly tip, Sutton Hill.

Date: January 2022
Location: Bluebell Lane, Sutton Hill - What3words location palerdefinitedried
Description: This lane which borders Telford and Shropshire near Sutton Hill has been targeted for a large fly-tip and reported on a local Facebook page on New Year's day. This significant fly tip appears to be a combination of collections and includes a variety of waste including both domestic and building waste. 

Did you know that if your rubbish is fly-tipped you could also be prosecuted - even if you didn't dump it or know it was going to be dumped? Visit the GOV.UK website for more information about the disposal of business or commercial waste.

If you have any details on who may be responsible, please contact us on 01952 384384 (office hours) or 03451 559955 (out of hours), alternatively:

Complete our online form to report fly-tipping