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Illegal rubbish dumpers given a stark new year warning

Telford and Wrekin Council has issued a stark warning today and is clamping down on the illegal dumping of rubbish across the borough – a practice known as fly tipping.

Councillor Richard Overton, Deputy Leader for Telford and Wrekin Council and Cabinet Member for Enforcement said: “It’s time those committing environmental crimes are held to account and tax payers stop picking up the bill.

“Fly tipping can attract a fixed penalty notice, unlimited fines and up to five years in prison if prosecuted through the courts – offenders can and will be prosecuted.”

The new project ‘Telford and Wrekin Watch’ will publish CCTV footage of people committing environmental crimes such as fly tipping, fly posting or graffiti amongst others on social media, in an attempt to identify those responsible and to secure prosecutions.

The project is in response to increasing numbers of fly tips as since 2019, more than 11,000 incidents have been recorded at a cost to the tax payer in the region of £630k – the equivalent of nearly a one percent reduction in council tax.

Councillor Overton also said: “More than two thirds of households are within 500m of woodland that’s protected by the council, we need you to be our eyes and ears and help keep areas like this clean, green and safe for everyone to enjoy.

“We’re taking a firm stance to let people know we are on their side and cracking down on this illegal practice.

“We are bringing even more new measures and working with the Police Crime Commissioner (PCC), to invest £30k, helping create new initiatives with the Police, Environment Agency and National Farmers Union.  

“Most people play by the rules, disposing of waste in bin collections, visiting recycling centres, booking bulky waste collections online or using registered waste disposal companies – this is about coming down hard on those who fly in the face of the rules and cost all responsible tax payers, money.”

For the latest on fly tips happening around the borough and to help identify or provide information, register for updates or view more information about Telford and Wrekin Watch.

Fly tipping is classed as an environmental crime along with fly posting, (the pasting of non-approved posters or stickers to walls, road signs) abandoned vehicles or trollies, graffiti, littering and dog fouling - all of which can be reported via the ‘my Telford app’ or report issues online with street care and cleaning.

Watch the YouTube video about fly tipping:

Last updated: 03/02/2022 11:41