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Civil parking enforcement (CPE)

From Friday 31 January 2020, we’ll be responsible for civil parking enforcement (or ‘CPE’). This means that it will be Telford & Wrekin Council, not the police, enforcing street parking restrictions across the borough. 

If you park illegally you will be subject to a fine called a penalty charge notice (or ‘PCN’) of £70 or £50 depending on the severity of the contravention. There’s a 50% discount for paying within 14 days.

Civil parking enforcement (CPE) isn’t about making money for the Council. It’s about clearing the borough of illegal and inconsiderate parking. Our Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers work for Telford & Wrekin Council, not an external agency. They do not have ticketing targets and they do not get bonuses for issuing tickets.

Money raised through Penalty charge notice (PCNs) will go towards covering the cost of running civil parking enforcement (CPE). Should any money be made after the costs have been covered, it will be reinvested into highways and transport such as helping to improve residential car parking, or investing in sustainable transport including cycling, walking, electric vehicle charging and public transport.

All our Council run car parks that are currently free of charge will remain free.

Benefits of Civil Parking Enforcement

Under Civil parking enforcement (CPE) there will be enhanced enforcement of existing parking regulations both on roads (such as on double yellow lines) and in council owned car parks as Telford and Wrekin are employing officer’s to deal directly with these matters Civil parking enforcement (CPE) has previously been the responsibility of West Mercia Police but they often didn’t have the resources to carry it out.

Other benefits of Civil parking enforcement (CPE) include:

  • ensuring fair access to parking
  • deterring inconsiderate and dangerous parking
  • keeping highways open for free flowing traffic, including emergency vehicles
  • improving safety outside schools.

Last updated: 12/08/2022 08:53

  1. Introduction
  2. What we enforce