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Donnington and Muxton Neighbourhood Development Plan


On Thursday 17 February 2022 Telford & Wrekin Council resolved to make the Donnington & Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. The made Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents can be viewed using the links below:


A Referendum relating to the Donnington & Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan was held on Thursday 27 January 2022.

The question asked in the Referendum was:

“Do you want the Borough of Telford and Wrekin to use the neighbourhood plan for Donnington & Muxton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The count took place on Thursday 27 January 2022 and 81.08% of those who voted were in favour the Plan being used to help decide planning applications in the plan area. A report was prepared for the 17 February 2022 Cabinet meeting, seeking to have the Donnington & Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan made.

The Referendum version of the Donnington and Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available for viewing:

If you have any further questions then please contact the Strategic Planning team.

Decision Statement

On 4 November 2021, Telford and Wrekin Council’s Cabinet agreed to proceed to referendum on the draft Donnington and Muxton Neighbourhood Development Plan. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations a decision statement has been published and can be viewed below:


The Donnington and Muxton Neighbourhood Development Plan was examined by Tony Burton between August and September 2021. The Independent Examiner’s Report can be viewed below:

Donnington and Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Submission – Closed Consultation

Donnington and Muxton Parish Council have submitted their Neighbourhood Development Plan to Telford & Wrekin Council for publication and formal consultation before it is independently examined. The consultation began on 22 February 2021 and ran to 14 May 2021. The Donnington and Muxton Neighbourhood Development Plan is accompanied by supporting documents including a Basic Conditions Statement and a Consultation Statement.

The Donnington and Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Plan establishes a long term view for the Donnington and Muxton area and will help to deliver the local community's aspirations and needs for the plan period 2020 - 2031. It sets out a number of key objectives and planning policies which Donnington and Muxton Parish Council wishes to be used to help determine planning applications in the Donnington and Muxton area.

A copy of the submitted Donnington and Muxton Parish Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation can be viewed below.

If you have any further questions then please contact the Strategic Planning team.

Regulation 14 Consultation

Donnington and Muxton Parish Council consulted on a draft version of its neighbourhood development plan. The consultation closed on Friday 31 January 2020. This is an important stage in the process prior to submitting the neighbourhood plan to Telford & Wrekin Council.

Visit the Donnington and Muxton Parish Council website to view the draft neighbourhood development plan.

Designation of neighbourhood area

The first formal step in the neighbourhood plan process is to designate a neighbourhood area and define the proposed boundary covered by a plan. In March 2017 Donnington and Muxton Parish Council applied for the designation of a neighbourhood area, the proposed boundary being the whole of the parish boundary area.

A six week consultation ran from 6 April 2017 until 19 May 2017 to bring this application to the attention of people who live, work and/or carry out business in the neighbourhood area. Telford & Wrekin Council approved the designation in June 2017.

Several documents on the neighbourhood area designation can be viewed below. They include Donnington and Muxton Parish Council’s application to designate a neighbourhood area, a map of the neighbourhood planning area, a notice of the application, representations received during the consultation and a notice confirming the neighbourhood area designation.

Visit the Donnington and Muxton Parish Council website for more information about the neighbourhood plan.

Last updated: 06/05/2022 12:03

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