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Public Duty to Refer

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Public Duty to Refer and Partnership working

Everyone has a role to play in preventing homelessness and the Act provides an opportunity to work more closely with partners and co-produce an approach to homelessness prevention.

From 1 October 2018 there will be a duty imposed upon all specified Public Authorities to refer people they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness for assistance to a local authority providing that the person gives their consent to the referral, please visit GOV.UK for more information about Duty to Refer.

It is crucial that relevant services understand their important role in identifying people at risk of homelessness. Referrals to the Housing Solutions Team at the earliest opportunity working collaboratively to help the person resolve their homelessness in a sustainable way.

The Housing Solutions Team will work closely with the named public bodies to implement the Duty to Refer.

Public bodies included in the Duty to Refer

The Duty to Refer will commence 1 October 2018. The agencies that will have this duty are:

  • prisons
  • youth offender institutions
  • secure colleges
  • youth offending teams
  • probation services (including community rehabilitation companies)
  • jobcentre plus
  • social services authorities
  • emergency departments
  • urgent treatment centres
  • hospitals in their function of providing in-patient care.

The above public bodies must refer (with consent) details of any person they are aware of who is homeless or at risk of homelessness within 56 days, via the ALERT portal, please visit the housing jigsaw website for more information about Duty to Refer

Last updated: 25/11/2020 09:40