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Early years

Free childcare for foster children

Children in foster care will be eligible for free childcare where the foster parents meet certain eligibility criteria, giving foster families the same support as other families where it is right for the child. Children in foster care will be able to receive free childcare, if the following criteria are met:

  • Agreement from the responsible local authority that the foster parent engaging in paid work outside their role as a foster parent is consistent with the child’s care plan. The agreement that the foster parents can take up the free childcare entitlement should be recorded and the care plan for the child should be updated as appropriate.
  • That, in single parent foster families, the foster parent engages in paid work outside their role as a foster parent, although there is no minimum income requirement.
  • And in 2 parent foster families, either both partners engage in paid work outside their role as a foster psrent (although there is no minimum income requirement for either foster parent) or one partner engages in paid work and the other partner receives certain qualifying benefits.
  • If one partner is not a foster parent, then that partner must be in qualifying paid work and earn a minimum of the equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum, unless they are receiving certain qualifying benefits. The Eligibility Checking System (ECS) is unable to perform the additional eligibility checks required so the Department has developed a parallel application process that uses existing delivery arrangements wherever possible. If one partner is not a foster parent, then that partner must be in qualifying paid work and earn a minimum of the equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum, unless they are receiving certain qualifying benefits.

Please visit the Department for Education to find out more information. 

Please download the application form to apply for free childcare for foster children.

Early years one minute guide

Download the one minute guide for information on early years pupil premium plus and personal education plans

Talking childcare - Telford and Wrekin

View the talking early years and childcare page for more information on the early years service

Nurseries and childcare

View information about nurseries and childcare and the services available to you

Early Years Transition Booklet

Download the transition booklet to use to help support your young people with their transition

Telford and Wrekin SEND Local Offer - early years

Visit the SEND Telford and Wrekin local offer website

Virtual school training and continuing professional development

View our training page for more information on our training and development opportunities

Talking early years and childcare - advice for home learning

The following activities and challenges are designed to fit into everyday life and do not require any specialist equipment.

Download the early years - ideas for parents and cares whilst working from home flyer

Hungry Little Minds - HM Government

The Government have supported home learning through their the Hungry Little Minds website.

Simple, fun activities for kids, from newborn to five.

Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference. They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school.

We understand that due to the coronavirus outbreak, you and your children are spending more time at home and you might be looking for a bit more inspiration for things to do. Start by trying some of these simple, fun activities.

Visit the HM Government website, Hungry Little Minds for information about the ideas and activities

Last updated: 07/05/2024 11:40

  1. Introduction
  2. Useful links and resources