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Good personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene will help prevent the spread of food poisoning bacteria.

If you or a member of your family are suffering from the symptoms of food poisoning, it is recommended that you follow the advice below to try and prevent the spread of the illness:

Hand washing

  • Always wash your hands after going to the toilet.
  • Always wash hands before handling food, handling food utensils (cutlery or crockery) and feeding young children.
  • Children should be supervised when going to the toilet and should be encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly.

Food preparation

Do not prepare food if you are suffering from food poisoning symptoms. You should be symptom free for 48 hours before handling food.

Nurseries, playgroups, child minders etc.

If a baby or child is suffering with food borne illness, they should be kept away from nursery and playgroups etc. So as to minimise the potential spread of the illness to the staff and other children. They should be symptom free for 48 hours before returning to nursery or playgroup.


A number of proprietary disinfectant products are available, alternatively a disinfectant solution can be made up by adding one teaspoon of household bleach to 1 litre of water. Any contaminated or potentially contaminated surfaces should be regularly disinfected, in particular hand contact surfaces for example door handles, toilet flushes, taps, light switches etc.

Stay hydrated

It is important that you drink plenty of fluids while you are ill to prevent dehydration.

Last updated: 04/08/2022 11:39

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