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Ready to evacuate

In an emergency you may be asked to evacuate your home or business; do not panic and remain calm. Follow police instructions as to where to go, and you will be transported to a place of safety and from here you can arrange to stay with friends or relatives. If you have nowhere to go, you will be transported to a designated premise for those evacuated (a Rest Centre).

Below is a checklist of what you may require at the time of evacuation: 

  • if safe to do so, turn off the gas, water and electricity in your property
  • gather family and pets
  • pick up your family grab bag, view information about a grab bag.
  • dress in warm / appropriate clothing
  • gather sleeping bags and blankets if you have them
  • gather any medication you or your family require
  • gather baby food / pet food if required
  • secure and lock your property
  • if safe to do so, check your neighbours are aware of the evacuation.

Last updated: 03/05/2022 15:04

  1. Prepare now
  2. Evacuation
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