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Sporting events

This information is intended for organisers of a sporting event on or near the highway such as a street race or a cycle ride that requires the closing of the highway.

Usually roads which are closed for sporting events can only be closed once a year without the consent of The Secretary of State.

Please be aware that the Council may not grant a closure order.  For this reason it is recommended that you contact us using the details on the right of this page to check that the event will be able to go ahead before it is publicised.

The Council makes a charge for organisers for this type of highway closure. The level of the charge depends upon the organisation and the number of people who will be attending. Download guidelines for the cost of the closure.

Before you apply

This table shows who to contact before you apply.
Who to contact What to check

Does your event clash with any others that have already been approved?
Is the proposed location suitable? 

Visit the West Mercia Police website Do the police offer no objection to your application?

Applying for a street closure order

You must complete an application form, please read the guidance notes carefully before you do.

Applications must be made a minimum of 12 weeks before the event. This allows us to check if your proposed event clashes with other major events or planned road closures.

We will aim to respond to your application within 10 working days. If you have not had a response within this time, please contact us.

Full details of the event are required for the Traffic Order including timings, streets to be closed and alternative routes. Special requirements such as parking restrictions in or next to the closure should also be highlighted.

Any event on the highway must be adequately signed and the signs must be approved by the Council. Download examples of the correct signsPlease note: it is the responsibility of the applicant to sign the closure and diversion route.

Please note: that advertising your event on the highway is illegal.

The event organiser is required to carry a minimum of £5 million Public Liability Insurance. The Insurance Certificate must be enclosed with the road closure application or your application will not be processed.

The event organiser must consult with police to ensure that they are satisfied with the provisions made for safety. Once we receive your application we will check that the police have no objection. If they have any concerns, your application will not be processed.

Last updated: 15/08/2022 10:43

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