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Section 171 license

An approved Section 171 (S171) Licence gives permission for an applicant to temporarily deposit building materials or other items in the highway or to temporarily excavate in the highway, for example when building a wall. Please note a Section 50 (S50) Streetworks Licence is required if works are in relation to apparatus (unless acting under a statutory right).

Please note: 'highway' is a road, verge, footway, public footpath or bridleway.

Application forms

Complete the Section 171 application form to request permission to deposit building materials or to excavate in the highway

All administrative costs and associated signing will have to be met by the person or organisation requesting the S171 Licence.


Fees must be paid with the application:

  • temporarily deposit materials or other items in the highway - £100 (up to one week and each subsequent week or part week)
  • temporarily excavate in the highway - £300.

If you need to close any part of the public highway to carry out your work, you will need to complete an application for a closure of the highway. View information on highway closures and how to apply for a closure on the highway. You will not be granted a TRO to locate site accommodation or store materials on the highway.

Tacit consent

Please be aware that the Council may not approve a S171 Licence. For this reason it is recommended that you contact us to check if the activity will be able to go ahead if you have not heard back from the local authority within twenty eight days of making your application.

Last updated: 30/09/2022 11:24

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