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School crossing patrols

There are a number of school crossing patrols at busy sites to help primary school children cross the road safely. They are known by school pupils as 'lollipop' patrols because of the sign that they use to control traffic.

Although much loved by the children, our school crossing patrols are not always treated with respect by drivers. Patrols have the legal power to stop traffic using their sign and drivers who fail to obey the instruction are always reported to the Police.

You can help our 'lollipops' keep the children safe. 

As a driver

  • When approaching a patrol slow down and be prepared to stop if the sign is raised.
  • If you are stopped, please wait a short distance away from the patrol.
  • Please do not creep forward or rev your engine and do not move away until the patrol is completely off the road.
  • Do not park near or on the crossing point as you could obstruct the patrol's view or prevent them from safely stepping out.
  • Remember that failing to stop when asked to do so is an offence and offenders are always reported to the Police.

As a parent

When taking your child to and from school always set a good example and use the patrol.

  • Always encourage your child to go to the patrol point to cross.
  • Please follow the instructions given by the patrol.
  • Please don't follow the patrol into the road but wait on the footpath until asked to cross.
  • Always cross in front of the patrol, never behind them.

Last updated: 16/08/2022 10:15

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