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Telford T50 50 Mile Trail

This 50 mile circular walking route was created in 2018 to celebrate Telford’s 50th anniversary as a New Town. It uses existing footpaths, tracks and quiet roads to form one continuous trail linking the many different communities, beautiful green spaces and important heritage sites that make Telford special.

The Trail goes through the World Heritage Site of Ironbridge Gorge, five Sites of Special Scientific Interest, 14 Local Nature Reserves, woodlands, reclaimed opencast mine workings, and many heritage sites that have been partially reclaimed by wild nature.

The walk has been divided into seven stages each of which may be easily walked in a day (or even longer if all the local museums and historic places were to be fully explored). The official start of the Trail is in Telford Town Park, which at 150 hectares combines a formal park and playground with large wild areas preserving the remains of Telford’s historic past.

Download the T50 50 Mile Trail leaflet for more information about the trail

Visit the Telford T50 50 Mile Trail website for more information about the T50

Visit the Telford T50 50 Mile Trail website for more information about the guidebook

View our image gallery of the Telford T50 50 Mile Trail

Last updated: 23/02/2021 15:37