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Cycling and walking strategy

As a new town developed in the 1960’s and 70’s Telford was built with the car in mind. The borough has a high capacity road network that often causes severance for our communities. Generally the borough has good cycling and walking infrastructure, however infrastructure on its own is not enough in order to change people’s behaviour towards actively cycling and walking.

Previous studies have shown that the proportion of people cycling and walking in the borough is far lower than in many other areas and many of the trips in Telford are only short in length and could be undertaken by cycling and walking. That being said there is evidence of cycling taking off as a sport across the borough through the new BMX facilities in Dawley and cycling in Newport including the Newport Nocturne. It is this momentum that the strategy needs to capitalise on to increase cycling and walking to everyone.

This strategy therefore seeks to provide a long term vision for increasing cycling and walking in the borough, ensuring that it becomes part of people’s everyday activities whether it’s travelling to the shop or going for a walk. The Council is already making significant improvements to supporting increased cycling and walking such as investment into upgrading footpaths and LED investment as part of the Council’s Pride in Our Community initiative.

The objectives of the strategy are to increase the number of people cycling and walking, by making these viable and attractive alternative modes of transport for everyday journeys, including leisure and tourism trips. By encouraging greater levels of physical activity in the borough, the strategy will help contribute towards improving the health and wellbeing of its residents.

Download the cycling and walking strategy

Last updated: 10/03/2021 19:56