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Small business rate relief

Small business rate relief is available to reduce business rates bills for some small businesses. 

You won’t pay any business rates on a property with a Rateable Value (RV) of £12,000 or less, if it is the only property which you occupy.

For properties with a rateable value of £12,001 to £15,000, the rate of relief will go down gradually from 100% to 0%.

In general, this relief is only available to businesses who occupy either:

  • one main property with a RV which is less than £15,000 or
  • one main property (with a RV which is less than £15,000) with additional properties where:
    • each additional property has an RV below £2899 and
    • the total RV of all your properties is less than £20,000.

In this instance, relief will only be awarded on your main property.

If you receive small business rate relief on a property and decide to occupy an additional property, which would ordinarily result in the removal of the relief; you will continue to receive this relief on the original property for 12 months. 

Where possible we will automatically apply small business rate relief, which will be detailed on your bill. If you have not been granted the relief and think you should qualify, please complete the online application. 

Complete our online form to apply for small business rate relief

If you don’t qualify for small business rate relief and your RV is less than £51,000, your bill will be calculated using the small business multiplier, which is lower than the standard multiplier. The correct multiplier is automatically applied to your bill and therefore, there is no need to apply for the lower value.

  • National non-domestic rating multiplier (49.9p in 2024/2025).
  • Lower small business non-domestic rating multiplier (54.6p in 2024/2025). 

Last updated: 24/05/2024 14:51

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