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Overhanging trees

Trees on private land are the responsibility of the land owner and not Telford & Wrekin Council. The Council has no powers to intervene in disputes regarding private trees

What can I do about an overhanging tree?

The information on this page is designed to provide you with some useful information about your rights and responsibilities in respect of trees and high hedges on private land:

  1. If there are trees or branches that overhang onto your property, you have the right to remove them. It doesn't matter if the tree belongs to the council or if it is your neighbour's, if any branches cross onto your property you can cut them down to your boundary. 
  2. You do not, however, have any legal right to cut or remove any part of a tree that does not overhang your property; as doing so could lead to prosecution.
  3. You should talk to your neighbour before doing any work and you should offer the cut branches to them. You have a legal obligation to offer cuttings (not leaves) back to the land owner. In all likelihood your neighbour won't want them back so you should consider disposal of the branches when you cut them down.
  4. If you want to gain access to a tree that is on land that you do not own, you must always get the landowner's permission beforehand.
  5. Before you prune a tree you should always check the tree is not covered by viewing the Tree Preservation Order.

Please note: you are strongly advised to consult a professional tree surgeon for guidance on how best to cut back overhanging branches, unless you have the tools and the work is safe enough to be done yourself.

Last updated: 18/08/2022 10:02

  1. Trees on private land
  2. Council owned trees
  3. Contact