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Ordinary Watercourse Regulation

Telford & Wrekin Council, as the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA), are now responsible for the consenting of any works to ordinary watercourses within the borough in areas not covered by:

This responsibility follows commencement of paragraphs 32 - 34 of Schedule 2 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, which makes amendments. Download the Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991 to view amendments.

The responsibility for consenting works to main rivers remains with the Environment Agency.


An ordinary watercourse is any river, stream, ditch, drain, cut, dyke, sluice, sewer (other than a public sewer) and passage through which water flows and which does not form part of a main river network. Any alteration or connection to an ordinary watercourse will require consent from Telford & Wrekin Council.

Main rivers are usually larger streams and rivers. However, they do include smaller watercourses of local significance. Main rivers are watercourses designated as such. 

Visit the Environment Agency website to view the main river maps that are generally the larger arterial watercourses. Any alteration or connection to a main river will require consent from the Environment Agency.

Last updated: 31/03/2022 11:24

  1. Introduction
  2. Do I need consent?
  3. How do I apply?
  4. Contact