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Flood protection funding for undefended properties in Ironbridge Gorge


Telford & Wrekin Council has been awarded £1.2million funding, over the next three years, to provide flood protection measures to protect some of the business and residential properties most at risk of flooding in Ironbridge Gorge, that are not currently protected by existing permanent flood defences.

The work is expected to include two new permanent flood defence walls, at Dale End and Ladywood, along with additional flood protection measures for some of the most at-risk properties in the area.

The defences will be delivered in phases, and as we work through each phase we will be engaging with the properties involved to see what measures are most appropriate for them.

To sign up for updates on the project, please send your name and email address to flood@telford.gov.uk so we can add you to a project mailing list.

Frequently asked questions

The government providing this funding over a three year period, so the work will be phased over three years too, and we expect to complete the work by the end of 2026 / 2027.

We will be receiving this funding from government over a three year period, so will be completing the work as the money is made available to us. The projects will also require investigation and design prior to implementation at a range of sites along the 5km river corridor covered by the scheme.

We will be directly contacting the homes and businesses who will receive additional flood protection work, to identify the best solutions for those particular properties.

Although £1.2million sounds a lot, it is not enough for us to protect every building at risk of flooding in the Gorge, so we are starting with the currently unprotected properties that are most at risk of flooding, based on the Environment Agency’s flood modelling and historical flood data.

Flood modelling data from the Environment Agency, along with historical flood data is being used to identify the most at-risk properties and show where these funds will have the greatest impact.

There is no single solution for every property, so we will be getting in touch to work out what would be best for each individual situation. This includes considering additional waterproofing measures, pumps for preventing flood water build up, and flood doors. We will also be looking at larger scale schemes at Dale End and Ladywood where flood walls will benefit multiple properties. 

Last updated: 18/06/2024 09:19