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Discounts, exemptions and reductions

The full council tax bill is based on the assumption that at least two adults are living in a property as their main home. In certain circumstances, a reduction may apply.

Yes, if you are the only person aged 18 or over living at the property as your main home, you will receive 25% discount.

You can apply for a discount using our on line 'My Council Tax Service'.

Visit our My Council Tax Portal

Yes, there are certain adults who are 'not counted' (disregarded) for council tax purposes, if you live with other adults who are 'not counted' for council tax you will receive a 25% discount.

Example: If you live alone and you have an adult child living with you who is in full time education, they are 'disregarded' for council tax and you will receive a 25% discount.

If all adults in a property are 'disregarded' for council tax, you will qualify for a 50% discount or in certain circumstances, a full exemption will apply. 

Types of disregard that may apply to someone in your household:

  • A carer that provides at least 35 hours a week of care and support to someone who lives in your household. The person cannot be your spouse or child under the age of 18, you must also receive a qualifying disability benefit.
  • An adult with severe mental impairment such as Alzheimer's, dementia or severe learning difficulties. We will need to contact your GP for verification of the condition and the person must also be receiving a qualifying benefit.
  • A patient in hospital with no plans to move back to their previous home.
  • A permanent resident in a care home, nursing home or hospice
  • A person detained in prison, on remand or hospital. We will contact the relevant institution to establish the period of detention. 
  • A person aged 18 or over still receiving child benefit.
  • In education or training:
    • a full time student on a degree level or postgraduate course
    • a person aged 19 or under on a course before degree level - for example A levels or GNVQ level 3
    • a student nurse
    • a young person (under 24) on a government training scheme
    • an NVQ apprentice earning no more than £195 per week
    • a Foreign Language Assistant on the official British Council programme
    • a non-British Citizen spouse or dependent of a student who cannot work
  • or claim benefits in the UK.

You will be required to provide an official certificate from your educational establishment or employer to verify your course or training.

  • A care worker who provides care through a charity for at least 24 hours per week, paid no more than £44 per week and live in premises provided for this purpose.
  • A resident of a homeless hostel who has no fixed address
  • A member of a religious community who has no personal income or capital and relies on the community for their needs.
  • A member of visiting forces and their dependents.
  • A member of international headquarters or defence organisation and their dependents.
  • A person with diplomatic immunity or privilege.

Apply for a Council Tax Discount / Exemption for Occupied Properties

Yes, there is a Disabled Band Reduction scheme; although you must meet a specific set of conditions to qualify, if you do, you will pay at one band lower than your official council tax band i.e. if you are Band D you will pay Band C.

To qualify, a person who is permanently disabled must require one of the following to meet the needs of their disability:

  • an additional bathroom or kitchen
  • an additional room specifically required due to the nature of their disability
  • use of a wheelchair indoors.

Please note, once we have received your application, we will ring you to confirm your circumstances, we may ask for further information such as photographs or evidence of disability benefits.

Apply for Disabled Band Reduction

No, the full charge applies to all empty properties and an additional premium could apply to long-term empty properties and second homes.

In certain circumstances the premium may not apply, or the charge can be deferred for up to 12 months. For more information visit our empty property web page.

This table shows the property status and charges with effect from 1 April 2024.
Property Status Charges
Unoccupied and unfurnished for up to 1 year 100% (0% discount full charge)
Unoccupied and unfurnished for 1-5 years 200% (additional 100% premium)
Unoccupied and unfurnished for 5-10 years 300% (additional 200% premium)
Unoccupied and unfurnished for over 10 years 400% (additional 300% premium)
Second Homes (from 1 April 2025) 200% (additional 100% premium)

Yes, there are exemptions available for properties that meet certain criteria.

Occupied Property Exemptions

  • All residents have Severe Mental Impairment.
  • All residents are full time students.
  • Halls of residence.
  • All residents are aged under 18.
  • An annexe occupied by a dependent relative.
  • Accommodation for UK or visiting armed forces.
  • All residents are non-British citizens who have diplomatic immunity or privileges.

Unoccupied Property Exemptions

  • The property is unoccupied for up to six months and was last occupied by a registered charity.
  • The owner or tenant has passed away and left the property unoccupied. The exemption does not apply if the property remains occupied and then becomes vacant after a period of 6 weeks. The exemption will end when someone moves in and at the point probate/letters of administration are granted a further six months is applied.
  • The property is being kept empty for a religious minister to live in.
  • The mortgagee has repossessed it.
  • The council tax payer is a trustee in bankruptcy.
  • It is an empty boat mooring or caravan pitch.
  • The law prevents someone from living there.
  • It is an unoccupied annexe.

Where a property has been left unoccupied as the tax payer is living elsewhere:

  • in prison or on remand
  • a permanent resident in a care home
  • living at another address to provide care
  • living at another address to receive personal care
  • the owner is a full time student living elsewhere to attend a qualifying course.

Apply for a Council Tax Discount / Exemption if your property is empty

Yes, an annexe forms part of a domestic dwelling, which can be lived in independently to the main dwelling, but cannot be rented out separately. The annexe will have a separate council tax band and charge to the main dwelling. There are reductions available under the following circumstances:

  • a full exemption applies where the property is empty and unoccupied
  • a full exemption applies if the property is occupied by a dependent relative
  • aged 65 or more
  • severely mentally impaired
  • permanently disabled
  • a 50% discount applies if a relative of the person, who normally pays council tax for the main dwelling, occupies the annexe.

Apply for a Council Tax Discount / Exemption

Yes, persons who have left the care of Telford & Wrekin, who now have a council tax bill to pay; are eligible for a discount.

Care leavers who have spent time in foster or residential care for whom Telford & Wrekin had a corporate responsibility for, will not have any council tax to pay until the age of 25, if they live alone. If they share the council tax bill a discount will be applied. For example, if there are two people named on the bill, a 50% discount applies.

The discount does not apply if you are not named on the council tax bill or if you are a care leaver from another area. You will need to ask the Council who provided your care whether they can help to pay your bill.

Please note: the care leavers discount only applied up to the age of 22 prior to 31 March 2020.

The Care Leavers discount is automatically awarded to your bill. If you qualify for the discount but this has not been applied please contact the Council Tax team.

Complete our Council Tax enquiry form if you have a general enquiry

Report suspected fraud

Please use our online form to report suspected fraudulent activity.

Complete our online form to report suspected fraud

Last updated: 21/01/2025 10:37

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