If you’re struggling with your application, don’t worry! We hope some of our tips and tricks below will help you on your way to writing a great application.
I’m not sure if I’m eligible
You can apply to the grant if:
- you are aged 15 in Year 11 up to the age of 25 years old (applicants cannot be over the age of 25 at the close of application) and live in Telford and Wrekin
- you are aged 15 in Year 11 up to the age of 25 years old (applicants cannot be over the age of 25 at the close of application) a Telford and Wrekin Child in Care / Care Leaver who no longer lives in Telford and Wrekin.
You can’t apply to the grant if you are outside of the ages above.
You can’t reapply for the grant if you have successfully received a grant from this scheme in the last three years since the date of the award.
I don’t know how much money to apply for
The maximum amount you can apply for is £500. However, if you can be specific about what you might need the money for, the means we can provide even more young people with the help they need.
For example, if you are looking to apply for a Railcard, you might apply for £70 to cover a 3 year subscription with a 16 - 25 year old discount card.
If you need equipment for your studies, please have a look online at what equipment you would like and its price before submitting your application. You're welcome to add the link to your supporting documents to assist us in locating what you need!
I’m not sure what to talk about in my application
We want to hear about why you are passionate about achieving your goals so we can help you to succeed.
If you’re not sure what to talk about, use the guide below to help you get started:
- Your aspirations and plans for the future and what access to training and development you might need to achieve these goals.
- Challenges you might have had with travelling to and from your place of education, employment and training, and how a bus pass, bike, or railcard might help.
- Describe equipment you need to reach your goals and why you have found it challenging to source this yourself- for example a laptop for a virtual course, equipment for degree research, interview clothing.
- If you have a business idea and need some funding to kick-start this, pitch us the business!
- The past few years have been truly challenging for all; can you describe ways in which you have overcome any difficulties and how further funding would help you excel?
Who can be my referee?
A referee must be someone impartial but knows you well enough to support your need for funding from the grant. This could be a teacher from school or college, a mentor, social worker or colleague at work.
To help the panel further understand their eligibility for the funding and a little more about them as a person, we need to know the following:-
- how long you have known the applicant
- in what capacity you have known them (for example this might be Professionally or in Education)
- a little about the applicant and their experiences and goals
- why you feel they are eligible and should receive their funding
- if you are aware, that they have sought to identify other means of financial support to support them funding to commence in or return to education, training or employment or to set up their own enterprise / business.
A referee cannot be a family member or friend.
A family member referee may only be accepted if you currently work with them in a professional capacity.
What supporting documents should I include?
Anything you think would make your application stand out! This could be a certificate of your training, a plan for your business, or an example of your creativity. It could also be a document with a link to the product you would like to use the funding to purchase or some additional information about why the funding would help you.
What does it mean by supporting communications and attending promotional events in the terms and conditions?
Supporting communications
If you are successful in your application to the Young Person Grant, our Communications team would love to chat to you to inspire other applicants in the future. A member of the team will contact you via email to arrange an informal chat to talk about your experience and to take some photos or even film a video. You can see examples of our previous recipients.
When the awards event is confirmed, the Communications team will also be there to take photos and talk to you. Please say hello if you see them!
Awardee Celebration Event
The Young Person Grant event takes places to celebrate the success of the recipients across the borough and award them their money / item(s).
The event date will be confirmed with the successful awardees and will be held in person.
I want to apply for funding for something outside of education, employment and training – can you help?
If you would like to speak to someone about your application to the Young Person Grant, you can email hubprojectteam@telford.gov.uk or call us on 01952 380121.
Last updated: 06/03/2025 13:04