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Young Person Grant Scheme 2025

The scheme is open to young people from the age of 15 current school Year 11 up to the age of 25 (applicants cannot be over the age of 25 at the close of application) who are resident in Telford and Wrekin, or to any Telford and Wrekin Children in Care or Care Leavers, who are currently not resident in the area.

It is open to young people who have a desire to achieve in one of the following categories, but due to their/their family’s circumstances are restricted or unable to fund the activity themselves:

  • education, training and / or employment including equipment or travel costs to help fulfil these opportunities
  • enterprise funding for small business start-ups
  • additional help to pursue extracurricular activities to support their learning and development.

The panel are particularly keen to receive applications from young people who have the desire to overcome challenging circumstances to enable them to achieve their aspirations.

Private organisations and groups are not eligible to apply.

  • One application must be completed per young person online and supported by a statement from a representative who must be 18 years old or over (this must be an independent person and not a family member/relativeA family member referee may only be accepted if you currently work with them in a professional capacity.
  • Applicants who have previously received funding/grants from alternative sources, will be required to declare the value of the funding on the application form. The application for other funding opportunities as displayed on our website is positively encouraged.
  • Applications can be made for the purchase of equipment, travel and/or tuition. However applications for funding for accommodation/rent will not be considered.
  • All applications must include how much funding is being applied for (up to a maximum of £500).
  • Applications to be received between 10 March 2025 until 5pm on 16 May 2025.
  • A funding Panel will consider all applications received and make the decisions for the awards.
  • All monetary awards allocated to be confirmed by email by Telford & Wrekin Council.
  • The decision of the Panel is final and cannot be appealed.
  • Awards are a one-off payment. Any overpayments must be returned to the authority in full.
  • Awardees must provide a signed agreement and details within 7 days of being notified of their award, otherwise funding will be withdrawn and reallocated to next year’s fund. 
  • An Agreement will be made with the young person, or their representative and service provider to ensure the funding is used appropriately to achieve the goals and aspirations of the young person.
  • All awards will be presented at the Awards Event in July 2025, unless there are extenuating circumstances, such as; the awardee being resident out of area and unable to attend, the event is unable to go ahead due to adverse conditions, the awardee having care responsibilities. In this case, awards will be made via bank transfer. 
  • Only one application can be made by each young person in any academic year.
  • A further application cannot be made if the young person has already been successful in receiving a grant from this scheme in the last three years, since the date of the award.

All successful applicants will be contacted by email no later than 11 June 2025.

Last updated: 06/03/2025 14:22

  1. Overview
  2. Examples
  3. Terms and Conditions
  4. Help
  5. Apply