Essential information for childcare providers
- Visit the provider portal.
- Download the top tips for providers for early years pupil premium (EYYP).
- Download the frequently asked questions for childcare providers.
Essential guidance for childcare providers
- Visit the GOV.UK website for statutory guidance on the provision of early education and childcare.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about the early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about the prevent duty guidance.
- Visit the Telford SEND website for information about the SEND Code of Practice.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about working together to safeguard children.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about reporting child abuse.
- Download a non-statutory guide for practitioners and inspectors to help inform understanding of child development through the early years.
- Download a non-statutory guidance of development matters for EYFS for practitioners and inspectors to help inform understanding of child development through the early years.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about the education inspection framework for early years settings.
- Visit the GOV.UK website to view the early years inspection handbook.
- Download the teaching and play guide, a good practice survey to explore perceptions of teaching and play in the early years.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for information about the early years Ofsted annual reports.
- Visit the GOV.UK website for more information about keeping children safe in education.
Last updated: 29/01/2025 15:52