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Please follow the steps below:

Then all you need to do is drive to either household recycling centre (HRC) with your driving licence or recent utility bill as proof of address and a site operative will verify your information electronically, this will then deduct the visit from your total of permits allocated to the household.

You will even get a reminder email when you have one E-permit left to use, to check when you can apply for more, details of how many E-permits you have are found on your My Telford dashboard.

You will no longer receive paper permits and you can't print E-permits.

Please note only residents of Telford and Wrekin are eligible to apply for E-permits, we allow ten E-permits per household over a 12 month rolling period. 

Shropshire residents

If you pay your council tax to Shropshire Council you are able to access the HRCS at both Telford and Shropshire authority areas, however you must apply for your permits directly from Shropshire Council.

Apply for a permit from Shropshire Council

Last updated: 23/05/2024 11:14

  1. Introduction
  2. Vehicles
  3. Apply
  4. Contact