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Club premises certificate

To be eligible for a Club Premises Certificate, a club must satisfy a number of qualifying conditions.

  • Condition 1 is that under the rules of the club persons may not be admitted to membership, or be admitted, as candidates for membership, to any of the privileges of membership, without an interval of at least two days between their nomination or application for membership and their admission.
  • Condition 2 is that under the rules of the club persons becoming members without prior nomination or application may not be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least two days between their becoming members and their admission.
  • Condition 3 is that the club is established and conducted in good faith as a club.
  • Condition 4 is that the club has at least 25 members.
  • Condition 5 is that alcohol is not supplied, or intended to be supplied, to members on the premises otherwise than by or on behalf of the club.

Registered industrial and provident societies and friendly societies will qualify if the alcohol purchased for and supplied by the club is done under the control of the members or a committee of members. Relevant miners' welfare institutes can also be considered.

Further details of what constitutes a qualifying club or a relevant miners' welfare institute, and what conditions it must satisfy, can be found in the Licensing Act 2003.

Last updated: 14/07/2022 10:25

  1. Introduction
  2. Eligibility
  3. How do I apply?
  4. Contact