Worried about money?

There’s lots we can do to help. Find out what support is on offer.

Capital funding

Supporting grassroots community groups to transform spaces at the heart of their local community. Visit Asda Foundation website.

Supporting capital projects in the fields of community, education, health and social welfare. Visit Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation website.

Awarding funds from the National Lottery The Community Fund offer a number of grant opportunities to bring real improvements to communities and to the lives of people most in need. Visit The National Lottery Community Fund website.

Funding to improve the lives of people and communities, particularly those facing disadvantage. Visit Clothworkers Foundation website.

Assists homeless and hospice charities with construction related projects. The aim is to refurbish and develop facilities for the homeless to a much higher standard than would otherwise be possible. Visit CRASH website.

Supports organisations working in the areas of welfare, youth, community, environment, education, health arts, heritage and faith. Visit Garfield Weston Foundation website.

Supports projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance. Visit Help the Homeless website.

Offers a variety of grants encouraging the exploration and restoration of our heritage. Visit National Lottery Heritage Fund website.

Supports projects which involve all or most family members in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members. Visit Kelly Family Charitable Trust website.

The organisation's vision is to see a world in which no young person is homeless, supporting renovation and new build projects.

Currently closed, visit LandAids Grants programme website for updates.

Supporting projects which either tackle poverty and social deprivation; enhance community spaces, facilities and services; or improve health and wellbeing.

Visit the Morrisons Foundation website.

Supporting the start up, development and sustainability of community businesses. Visit Power to Change website.

Supporting housing projects for people with a wide range of needs, including mental & physical health; learning difficulties; the homeless; and women escaping domestic violence. Visit Quaker Housing Trust website.

Currently closed, awaiting strategy review in late 2025 Visit Rank Foundation website.

To fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities in deprived areas or for those in need, including decorating the homes of people living with illness and disability. Visit Screwfix Foundation website.

Helping to deliver positive and lasting change to UK society focusing on opportunity, heritage and environment. Visit Swire Charitable Trust website.

Priority is given to projects which provide food and support to young people. Visit Tesco Stronger Starts website.

To encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. In exceptional circumstances grants for building work will be considered. Visit the Anchor Foundation website.

Support local communities looking to develop historic buildings, offering grants for early development work and project planning and loans for acquisition and as working capital for project delivery. Visit the Architectural Heritage Find website.

To acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings, fixtures and fittings, machinery, furniture and other equipment; for revenue costs; and for special projects. Visit The Beaverbrook Foundation website.

Applications are currently closed whilst the Trust re-evaluate and develop their new strategy. Visit The Tudor Trust website.

Funding for capital initiatives, i.e. buildings (new build or refurbishment) and equipment. Funding a broad range of organisations working across the fields of education, science and medicine, health and disability, heritage, humanities and the arts. Visit the Wolfson Foundation website.

Funding for equipment, supporting projects that help disadvantaged children and their families to alleviate suffering; support children through awful experiences and encourage achievement through adversity. Visit Toy Trust website.

Support youth clubs that provide opportunities for improving social skills, team spirit and self-esteem for young people aged from 8 to 18 years. 

Currently closed visit Variety Club website for updates.

Support small registered charities working in the fields of social welfare, literature, arts and heritage, environmental causes and animal welfare and education and training. Visit Veolia Environmental Trust website.

Supports mentally, physically disadvantaged children through funding building work; equipment & activity aids, sensory rooms and gardens; playgrounds, sports areas; transport and soft playrooms. Visit Wooden Spoon Society website.

Last updated: 03/06/2024 11:55

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