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Telford Women's Refuge

Domestic violence can happen to anyone. You have the right to live without violence, it is not your fault and you do not have to put up with it. Domestic violence is now more commonly referred to as domestic abuse. This is because abuse and controlling behaviour within relationships does not have to be violent. It can be emotional, financial, physical, sexual, and psychological.

View information about domestic abuse and the types of domestic abuse

Telford Women's Refuge offers a safe place where any woman - with or without children (age restrictions apply to children accommodated at the Refuge) - who is in an abusive relationship, can live in a caring and supportive  environment, free from fear. The location of the Refuge is completely confidential.

If you need a place of safety and are a male or female victim, or you are homeless please call Housing Options team on 01952 381925 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Out of office hours, please call the emergency out of hours service on 01952 676500.

Last updated: 23/07/2024 13:20