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Anti social behaviour

Has the behaviour continued despite your reports? 

If you are having continuing problems, whether you are a resident, business or a community group, the Government has introduced a new power aimed at giving victims the right to request a review of their reports of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB), and to bring agencies together to take a joined up, problem solving approach to their case.

For the purpose of the Community Trigger, ASB is defined as behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress to a member or members of the public. Whilst specifically designed to deal with ASB, this can be motivated by hate, and therefore the trigger includes reports of hate incidents or crimes.

Local agencies are required to carry out a review into their response to a complaint of ASB if the threshold has been met, defined as follows:

  • you must have made three or more reports about anti-social behaviour in the past six months
  • you and four others must have complained separately about similar incidents
  • reported one incident of anti-social behaviour or crime motivated by hate in the last three months. 

The trigger can be used by a person of any age, and can also be used by any person on behalf of the victim. The victim's consent, however, should be sought by the person using the trigger on their behalf. 

Complete our online feedback form to make a complaint

Where a victim has a language, literacy issue or learning disability, we will accept applications from a designated person. However, the signed consent of the complainant will be required as part of the official application. 

This table shows the community triggers and anti-social behaviour risk assessment conferences.
  Community Triggers (CT's) Anti-Social Behaviour Risk Assessment Conferences (ASBRAC's)
2020 (August - December) 1 0
2021 8 9
2022 14 4
2023 to date 6 4

Last updated: 27/07/2023 09:49

  1. Introduction
  2. Community trigger
  3. Contact