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Honorary Freemen of the Borough

The Freedom of the Borough is the highest award that the council can bestow.

It is a power that is rarely used and is normally only awarded to local people who have in the opinion of the Council, rendered eminent services to the Borough. The award of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough does not convey with it any legal rights or responsibilities. The award dates back to the middle ages when Freemen had commercial privileges and a route into a position of power in a town or city.

Associated with the "Freedom of the Borough" is the "Freedom of Entry" which the Council may award to Military Service Units which have rendered conspicuous service and which are closely associated with the Borough. The Freedom of Entry grants the Service Unit the right, privilege and honour of marching through the streets of Telford on ceremonial occasions with "swords drawn, bayonets fixed, drums beating, bands playing and colours flying."

Who are the Honorary Freemen of the Borough?

This table shows a list of individuals who have received the highest award that the council can bestow.
Year Name Reason
2002 Mrs Iris Butler Distinguished public service
2002 Mr Richie Woodhall Distinguished boxing career and considerable achievements
2005 Mr Lee Carter Efforts in establishing AFC Telford in the wake of the collapse and liquidation of Telford United Football Club
2008 Mrs Elizabeth Holt Contribution to the development of Telford and record of public service
2009 Mr Peter Gibbons 52 years contribution to public service
2011 Mr George Whyle 55 years contribution to public service
2012 Corporal Ricky Furgusson Gallantry in the field
2014 Mr Mickey Bushell MBE Athletic achievement
2015 Mr Alan Olver Tireless and outstanding work in support of the homeless
2017 Mr John Alfred David Gill Long history of volunteer work and longstanding commitment to education
2022 Mrs Mandie Mulloy Oustanding contribution in providing support to young people and those in need within the Borough
2023 Mr Liam Davies Distinguished achievement in the sport of boxing

Freedom of the Borough

This table shows a list of groups who have received the highest award that the council can bestow.
Year Name Reason
2010 The Rifles In recognition of the service of generations of local men and women in all branches of the forces and in honour of the Borough’s historic links with the former Kings Own Shropshire Light Infantry (KSLI) – of which the Rifles is the successor regiment.
2022 Telford Crisis Support In recognition of services provided to the Borough in assisting our most vulnerable families and individuals in tims of financial crisis.

Last updated: 21/07/2023 12:54

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