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Current Opportunities to Quote - Low Value

Recent adverts now closed:

Summer Arts Programme for Children in Care and Care Leavers

The aim of the Summer Arts College is to implement a 3 week structured, fulltime, arts-based programme for up to 10 young people who are Looked After and Care experienced in the age range of 16 to 25.

These young people may have experienced childhood trauma and also have difficulties with literacy and numeracy and detachment from education, training and employment. 

The arts programme will be held during the school summer holidays and based within a high quality community venue, although opportunities to travel to additional related activities is required.

The specific objectives for participants are to:

  • increase educational engagement and facilitate transition into mainstream education, training and employment after the College 
  • improve literacy and numeracy skills through the arts
  • develop confidence and self-efficacy
  • the provider will be required to support the young people to achieve accreditation through the Arts Award.

Funding will be £15k. The LA will make a bid to the Arts Council in order to deliver the programme and provider a further £5,000 (33%) for a total budget of £15k. The successful provider is able to source additional alternative grant funding to enhance the offer. 

The provider will need to evidence their safeguarding and supervision arrangements, as well as their arts offer. The provider will be expected to: manage the referral process including risk assessments; source and rent appropriate venue(s), and manage any transport between arts activities (transport from main venue to/from home is not required). The provider will produce promotional leaflets for the Children in Care and Leaving Care service who will in turn, promote this to the children and young people. The Local Authority will support the referral process to ensure the offer is targeted to the required cohort of young people.

Delivery will be for Summer 2024 only. Thereafter, providers that are signed up to the ‘Positive Activities’ Lot of the region’s Children and Families Support Service (CAFSS) provider framework, will be invited to tender for a programme from 2025. 

The successful provider will be expected to provide a report no later than 6 weeks following the end of the programme, to contain information regarding attendance, award accreditation, a description of the programme and a full financial breakdown.

Interested? Please submit your Expression of Interest by responding to the following:

  1. set out your Summer Arts offer (1000 words)
  2. provide information on your experience of having delivered similar programmes, including successful funding bids (500 words)
  3. confirm all staff will have an enhanced DBS check
  4. set out the Liability insurance you will hold in relation to this programme
  5. confirmation that you will abide and operate within the council’s children safeguarding process.
  • Value of the opportunity - £10,000 grant plus £5,000 LA match funding
  • Deadline for expressions of interest – 30th April 2024
  • Contact Samantha Ives - Children in Care, Children with Disabilities and Specialist Services - Samantha.Ives@telford.gov.uk.

Responses will be evaluated and the successful candidate will be contacted no later than 15th May 2024.

Other useful links:

Arts Club tender 

Telford & Wrekin Council wish to commission a Provider to deliver an Arts club service to resident children and young people aged 5 - 17, with a disability.  

The Council recognises the importance of delivering an Arts Club service to children and young people with a disability. The Council is seeking the delivery of an Arts club that may cover the following:

  • arts and crafts
  • dance and drama
  • music and singing
  • sculpture and collages.

This list is not exhaustive, and the Provider shall develop the offer in response to feedback from young people. There will be an opportunity to take items home and take part in related community projects. The activities are an opportunity for children and young people to explore a range of differing arts, take part to the degree they wish to (either as a sole or team activity) and have a sense of purpose and satisfaction, excitement, and achievement.

Many people benefit from engaging in creative arts and this activity will seek the same wellbeing outcomes for our children and young people with disabilities to experience the same sense of relaxation, creativity, aspiration, and sense of achievement.

This Arts club will operate for a minimum of 2 hours weekly for a minimum of 12 and up to 20 individuals. The sessions will be held at a regular day and time each week and shall be arranged to take account of other targeted activities delivered locally.

There will also be Showcases to celebrate the activities that the children and young people have put in and gives the opportunity for them to proudly display their work. The Provider will arrange an annual, or regular showcase of the items they have produced. This may be as an art gallery arrangement, a show of music, drama and dance display – or a combination and the Provider may collaborate with other providers delivering activities to this group in the delivery of a showcase.

Overall, the Council are looking for a place with the facilities and environment to cater for additional needs; an organisation with a staff team with the necessary skills to support child with additional needs, some of whom have a high level of personal care and support needs; and a range of arts related activities delivered by people with the necessary expertise.

Please use the below link to the contract: 

The tender closes for applications to be considered by 14 February 2024 at 12noon. 

Children with Disabilities Specialist Playscheme

Telford & Wrekin Council wish to commission a Provider to deliver a specialist playscheme to resident children and young people aged 5 - 17, with high and complex levels of disability.

The Council recognises the importance of delivering a playscheme to children and young people with high and complex disabilities, aiming to ensure a playscheme that meets their needs and enables them to have fun, play and social opportunities with their peers.

This is an exciting tender opportunity for a provider to work in partnership with local families and the Council. The Council is seeking a provider that can deliver a high quality, enjoyable playscheme for children and young people with complex levels of disability.

Find out more information on our Tender Opportunities page.

Community Equipment Loan Services

Community Equipment Loan Services in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin The NHS and Councils in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are looking to recommission their currently separate services into an integrated provision across the whole of Shropshire, encompassing both Health and Social Care. Significant work is being undertaken to outline how the next service will function, based on learning from past provision, practice within other areas and engagement with Clients and Professionals.

We would really appreciate some feedback from current or potential providers of these services regarding the future running of our service, including any thoughts on your experience and key points we need to consider.

Complete the survey online now.

This survey will close on 19 May 2023 at 11.59pm.

Therapeutic Music Session Delivery 

We need a practitioner with experience in delivering therapeutic music sessions to Children and adults with a range of needs, for a number of small scale projects in different settings around the borough.

Value of your opportunity: up to £2,000.

Deadline for expressions of interest: 12 May 2023.

Name: Sam Newth
Service Delivery Area: Telford & Wrekin Music
Email: sam.newth@telford.gov.uk

Call Centre provision for Emergency Duty team

Opportunity to provide a Contractual Call Centre provision for the Emergency Duty team (EDT) for a period of 6 months. Our working hours are 4.45pm – 9am overnight on week-day evenings and 4.45pm Friday until 9am Monday over a weekend period, with additional day-time cover on Bank Holidays.

The Call Centre provision needs to provide a call answering service, taking the callers name and contact details only and then passing these details, together with the time of the call, onto the Social Worker who has logged in on duty for that shift.

On average we receive approximately 140 calls per week, with on average 50% of these being made between Friday and Sunday.

The Service will be available to members of the public or other agencies that need to urgently contact specific Council services outside normal business hours. We have a statutory responsibility to provide an out of hours service for Children and Adults Social Care, and housing services.

EDT Social Workers may also occasionally request lone-worker monitoring when they go out on a community visit which would also form part of this contract.

We would also request provision of a spreadsheet or equivalent of calls to be e-mailed to the EDT Team Leader the following working day morning.

As this contract will be for 6 months, there will be a requiremtnt to have Contract Review Meetings on a monthly basis.

Any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact Debbie Owen, Team Leader, Emergency Duty team, on the e-mail address below.

  • 6 months - £8,380.
  • 15 March 2023.

Debbie Owen
Emergency Duty team
Childrens Safeguarding
Email: Debbie.owen@telford.gov.uk

Independent Chair of the Telford and Wrekin Education Strategic Partnership Board

Independent Chair of the Telford and Wrekin Education Strategic Partnership Board to provide governance and drive the vision of the board forward and key objectives are met.

  • £6,000 per year (£500 per day).
  • 10 March 2023.

Lucy Kendrick
Service Improvement and Efficency
Email: Lucy.kendrick1@telford.gov.uk

We are seeking the services of an independent evaluator with the necessary knowledge and experience required to undertake an ERDF Summative Assessment (evaluation) for the Marches Step Up Programme.

Please contact Mark Tomblin for more information via email mark.tomblin@telford.gov.uk by Tuesday 11 October 2022 at 5pm.


To procure Parity software which will enable the Council to identify properties within the Borough eligible for energy efficiency improvements under various schemes.

Expressions of interest close at 2pm on Tuesday 26 April 2022.

Contact details:

Name: Ravi Phull
Service delivery area: Strategic Housing and Regeneration
Email: ravi.phull@telford.gov.uk


Telford & Wrekin Council is seeking a Partner Organisation to lead on a pre-consultation exercise to assist in the development of an Ageing Well Strategy planned for publication by Winter 2022. The main tasks will be:

  • organise and plan the pre-consultation engagement to ensure target group is reached
  • work with the Partnership Board to coordinate the pre-consultation engagement
  • devise and plan what information is needed from the consultation to inform the strategy
  • develop the questions to ensure they answer the information needed to inform the strategy
  • to plan and organise varying forms of engagement, such as face to face sessions, hard copy questionnaires, telephone consultation etc. advising on methodology and frequency to ensure as many people over the age of 50 years have the opportunity to be involved
  • support with collation responses and the analysis of responses that will inform the development of the Ageing Well Strategy
  • value is £5,000.

The quotation closing date is Thursday 14 April 2022 at 4pm.

Full requirements are on Delta eSsourcing website: access code B53XE28M9F.

Contact details:

Name: Julie Edmonds
Service delivery team: Commissioning Specialist – Older People
Service delivery area: Adult Social Care
Email address: Julie.Edmonds@telford.gov.uk

We are seeking a partner to lead on the pre-consultation engagement for the Ageing Well Strategy. The partner will ideally be a local Voluntary Sector organisation, with established links to older adults, who will:

  • name a project lead who will attend regular meetings
  • organise and plan the pre-consultation to ensure the target group is reached
  • draft and plan what information is needed to inform the strategy
  • develop the questions to ensure they elicit the information needed to inform the strategy
  • to advise, plan and organise the pre-consultation in formats that will reach as many people as possible to give them the opportunity to contribute
  • support with the collation and analysis of responses
  • maximum budget for this project is £5000
  • envisaged timescale up to 6 months.

Expressions of interest detailing how you meet the organisation criteria, explaining how you would manage any potential conflict of interest and a brief overview of how you would lead on the project (maximum 500 words) to be submitted electronically to CommissioningAdults@telford.gov.uk by 12noon on Friday 4 March 2022.

Service specification

For a Partner Organisation to lead on the pre-consultation engagement contributing to the development of the Ageing Well Strategy


  • Telford & Wrekin Council and a wide variety of local stakeholders, is developing an Ageing Well strategy to be published by winter 2022.
  • To inform the strategy development it is important to ensure the voice of the people for whom the strategy is being developed is heard, in ways that can influence what is implemented locally.
  • We are seeking a Partner to lead with pre-consultation engagement.
  • The Partner will support the Internal Programme and Partnership Boards to:
    • Organise and plan the pre – consultation engagement to ensure target group is reached
    • Work with the Partnership Board to coordinate the pre-consultation engagement
    • Devise and plan what information is needed from the consultation to inform the strategy 
    • Develop the questions to ensure they answer the information needed to inform the strategy
    • To plan and organise varying forms of engagement, such as face to face sessions, hard copy questionnaires, telephone consultation etc. advising on methodology and frequency to ensure as many people over the age of 50years have the opportunity to be involved
    • Support with collation responses and the analysis of responses that will inform the development of the Ageing Well Strategy.
  • The delivery of the service will be managed through the Ageing Well Strategy Partnership Board and Internal Programme Board.

Service requirements

The Service Provider will:

  • Support the project team in following phases or work as follows:
    • Phase 1 – Engagement
      This element will require the working with the Partnership Board and Internal Programme Board to develop a set of questions for pre-consultation engagement with the community. The answers to the questions will inform the development of the strategy.
    • Phase 2 – Consultation
      To work with the Project Board to develop and then promote the consultation and to share widely to ensure all relevant stakeholders and members of the community to contribute to the strategy development.
  • The Provider will support the Partnership Board and Internal Programme Board with collating the feedback and analysis to inform the Ageing Well Strategy development.
  • The Partner may be expected to work with a number of stakeholders including the project team, Social Workers, Commissioners, service providers, 3rd sector and voluntary organisations and most importantly with people to ensure people can take up their right as a valued citizen of Telford to contribute to the strategy development through their feedback.
  • The duration of this work will be expected to take place for up to 6 months however there is a requirement for flexibility in line with project timescales.

Service standards

The Provider must be able to deliver the following in order to ensure full participation of Borough residents in the engagement and consultation:

  • Provide information that is easy to read and support with making the communication of all types of information accessible for all people
  • Provide assistance to support the special communication needs or where English is not their first language
  • Demonstrate good listening, communication and interpretation skills and
  • Be able to work at different levels and be aware of the political landscape
  • To maintain good relations with all service users and key stakeholders (see definitions below) involved in the project
  • To maintain confidentiality when discussing and sharing information/data in relation to the project.

Provision of consultation support

The Service will provide evidence of:

  • Has a suitable level of appropriate experience of delivering similar projects
  • Is a ‘known brand’ in the community for connections with local communities
  • All participants involved in the consultation support have undergone necessary employment checks and are able to work in the UK
  • All participant involved in the consultation support have undergone and passed a Disclosure & Barring Service check
  • Are able to work independently and flexibly to take account of the requirements of the work and consider how all individuals, including the seldom heard, are able and supported to participate in the consultation
  • Demonstrate awareness, values and attitudes required to work with people during the consultation process
  • Are able to commit to working on this service for the duration for the contract as far as it is reasonable practicable and
  • Understand and can implement what is required of them to fulfil this service.

Provision of management support to the partnership and internal programme boards

The Provider will:

  • Provide value for money focussing on delivering high quality consultation
  • Manage and use resources (financial and non-financial) effectively and responsibly
  • Focus on continued improvement and innovation to ensure resources used have the maximum positive impact to inform the Strategy development
  • Maintain robust accounting and management information and
  • Create accurate reports of the work carried out, if required.

Service availability

  • The Service will operate between 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays. Where it is not possible to provide the service in these hours the Provider will work outside of these to allow for flexibility to facilitate engagement work as and when required.
  • The Service will be suitable equipped to deliver the service from multiple sites if required and be able to facilitate virtual engagement that is meaningful to people.
  • For the purposes of quantifying meeting attendance for project support required, the following will be used as an estimate of meetings required for the service.
This table shows the Partnership Board and Internal Programme Board Meetings.
Partnership Board Meetings Internal Programme Board Meetings

23 March 2022

18 March 2022

21 April 2022

25 April 2022

13 May 2022

23 May 2022

17 June 2022

20 June 2022

25 July 2022

15 July 2022

23 September 2022

16 September 2022

31 October 2022

14 October 2022

23 November 2022

18 November 2022

Service exclusions

  • The Provider is not expected to respond to requests which are not part of this service.
  • This Service does not form part of any other contract or grant agreement.


  • The Service will be monitored in line with performance data and outcomes set out below.
  • The quality monitoring report will include, but is not limited to
  • Engagement planning, activities undertaken and the purpose of them, including a running total of time spent on tasks
  • The number of people engaged with and the outcomes and impact of the engagement
  • Actions resulting from the engagement activities
  • Challenges encountered, risks identified and actions required to remedy the risk and
  • Further developments for the next stage of consultation.
  • The Service will also be monitored through meetings arranged specifically for the purposes of quality monitoring. Nominated Council officers will attend the meetings.
  • The Provider will fully participate with requests for information or data made by the Partnership Board related to this service.

Service outcomes

  • Ensuring People can participate in the development of the strategy.
  • Consultation questions are clear for people on how they can influence what goes into the Strategy.
  • The service will ensure cultural needs are considered and included in the development of the consultation.
  • People participating in the consultation will feel comfortable with expressing their views.
  • The data, information and views of people collected can be used by the Partnership Board to influence the content of the Ageing Well Strategy.


  • Payment within 30 days of receipt of invoice.

Brief description of requirement and deadline for expressions of interest

External assessment of the Councils internal audit function against the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards using self assessment model.

Value between £4,000 - £9,000.

Expressions of interest to be received by 5pm, 22 February 2022 to Robert.Montgomery@telford.gov.uk.

Brief description of requirement and deadline for expressions of interest

We are developing a shared and co-produced family book to record and explore the work that Strengthening Families, Parents and children have created. It is an opportunity to celebrate, reflect and an evidenced based guide on how to problem solve when future issues arise.

Contact details:

Name: Christine Thursfield
Service Delivery Area: Strengthening Families
Email: Christine.thursfield@telford.gov.uk

Brief description of requirement and deadline for expressions of interest

Scoping and consultation project to look at the current Telford Parenting offer, identify gaps and develop an Enhanced Parenting Program to sit within Strengthening Families. There will be a focus on step down cases from child in need and potential step up cases into child in need around the area of domestic abuse, substance misuse and parental mental health. The parenting offer will complement the Family Safeguarding Model that has been launched in June 2021 with the use of Motivational Interviewing.

Objective to improve outcomes for children and young people and their families to sustain positive changes. 

Contact details:

Name: Christine Thursfield
Service Delivery Area: Strengthening Families
Email: Christine.thursfield@telford.gov.uk

Brief description of requirement and deadline for expressions of interest

To quote for tree planting sundries to support a tree planting project in the Borough of Telford & Wrekin funded by the Local Authority Treescapes Fund, which is being administered by the Forestry Commission.

Items required are:

This table shows the quote for tree planting sundries to support a tree planting project.
Item reference Description Quantity required
1 1.8m x 50mm diameter tree stakes (FSC certified) 500
2 90cm Canes 6000
3 75cm x 50mm Spiral Guards (green tint) 6000
4 40cm Tree ties plus spacers (suitable for 12cm - 16cm girth trees) 500
5 25mm Galvanised nails 1000
6 35mm diameter perforated irrigation piping 500m
7 Mycorrhizal tablets 1500
8 Delivery  

Delivery is to a location in Telford (to be confirmed) and must be by 17 December 2021.

It is vital that your quote is received on or before 2pm on Thursday 25 November 2021 to proceed

It is expected that the order will be placed by 1 December 2021 for delivery by 17 December 2021. Please confirm in your quotation that you can meet the 17 December delivery date.

Contact details:

Name: Lucy Smith
Service Delivery Area: Neighbourhood and Enforcement Services
Email: Lucy.smith@telford.gov.uk

Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) author

The Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership are seeking an Independent Author to assist the Partnership in completing a Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) under the statutory duty set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018). Where a local authority knows or suspects that a child has been abused or neglected, the local authority must notify the CSPR Panel if:

  • The child dies or is seriously harmed in the local authority’s area; or
  • While normally resident in the local authority’s area, the child dies or is seriously harmed outside England.

We are looking for an experienced CSPR author who has the knowledge of child protection procedures and in particular where there is complex interfamilial abuse (neglect, physical and emotional). As part of this application, we would ask for examples of methodology that you would propose using for this review.

We require them to start as soon as possible with the aim of completing the review within guidelines (this review to be completed by March 2022).

Expressions of interest (including a CV, two named referees and examples of methodology the applicant would consider using) to be submitted electronically to Lucy Kendrick via partnerships@telford.gov.uk by 5pm on Friday 26 November 2021.

West Midlands Regional Supported Accommodation Flexible Framework Agreement

Tender opportunity opened 26 March 2021 for 16+ Supported Accommodation led by Staffordshire Council.

  • Visit the Proactis website to access tender.
  • Providers register on Proactis and set up an account.
  • Once registered, Providers can download the tender pack.
  • Some documents are for information only whilst others need to be completed by the Provider.
  • Bids must be submitted via Proactis by the specified date and time.

Shopping directory to showcase High Street Retailers

Develop a campaign in the form of a shopping "directory" that will showcase our High Street retailers. It should be an essential part of the "Pride in our High Street" programme, celebrating all aspects of the "Pride in our High Street" initiative including: High Street Heroes; Shopping Locally and should promote High Street improvements. Items for inclusion, but not exclusively, should include:

  • traditional press
  • support with video and social media activity
  • attend press events and create media content for circulation
  • using existing templates, create new content for social media.

  • Web/app development
  • Designer of artwork for on the go bins
  • Consultant for ERDF Project
  • Bar and Catering opportunities at Telford@50 Celebrations
  • Specialist Recruitment Support Recruit
  • Domestic Homicide Review Author
  • Used 16 seater minibus
  • 1 x white Ford Transit Connect
  • Safeguarding Adult Review Author
  • Telford@50 Spring into the Park - crowd barriers, marquee, security, toilets
  • Collective Switching Scheme for energy provision in the Borough
  • First Aid Provision
  • Toshiba devices
  • Festival Toilets
  • Toshiba Laptops
  • Street Lighting and Illuminated Signs and Bollards
  • Mural artist
  • Personal devices
  • Window Cleaning
  • 75cl plastic bottles of wine for Boyzone Concert
  • Crowd Barriers and Portable Toilets
  • Event Security
  • First Aid
  • INSPIRE Legislation - Software, Training & Services
  • Apple IMacs
  • Technical Procurement Support - Street Lighting
  • Tree Inspection
  • Floor Finishers
  • Consultancy for Social Care Direct Payments
  • Demolition of Toilet Block
  • Demolition of Gazebo
  • Toshiba Satellite Pro R50 Laptops
  • T-Party Security Services
  • Independent Examiner
  • eAudiobooks
  • Electronic Care Monitoring System - Pilot
  • Electronic Touch Screen Tills
  • Market Assessment Consultant
  • Fire Marshal Training
  • Independent author required to assist in completing a Serious Case Review (SCR)
  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Evaluator - Evaluation Consultancy Services
  • Presentation Skills Training
  • Influencing and Negotiation Skills Training
  • Employee Health and Wellbeing Training
  • Specialist Marketing Agency for Digital Hub Branding and Communication Activity.

Last updated: 04/06/2024 13:23

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