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Procurement policy

Supplier Contracts at Telford & Wrekin Council will include social, environmental and economical focused opportunities to improve the quality of life and value for money for the residents, businesses and visitors. 

The Council has identified the priorities to be considered for procurements over £10,000. 

Social Value Approach

The Council is required to consider whether to consult on how the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Borough might be improved through commissioning and procurement. Download the Social Value Policy for more information on the Social Value Approach.

  • Telford & Wrekin Council has committed to apply at least 10% evaluation criteria to Social Value on all contracts above £10,000 (where appropriate).

  • The approach is to include Social Value but not to replace broader objectives like public consultation, service user consultation, stakeholder engagement.

  • The Council's priorities help shape the approach to each procurement before engaging with the market or preparation with the tender documents. We will Protect, Care and Invest to create a better borough.
  • Our priorities to deliver this are:
    • securing the best start in life for children and young people
    • protect and create jobs as a ‘business supporting, business winning council’
    • improve local people’s prospects through education and skills training
    • keep neighbourhoods safe, clean and well connected
    • support communities and those most in need and work to give residents access to suitable housing
    • improving health and wellbeing across Telford and Wrekin
    • protect and champion our environment, culture and heritage.

Committed to improving the lives of our Care Leavers

Committed to preventing Modern Slavery 

  • The Council will put in place steps that are aimed to ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and it supply chains.
  • The Council will incorporate exploitation awareness training to recognise, prevent and manage situations where potential modern slavery may occur. 
  • When procuring goods, services and works officers will ensure as part of the tender and contract management they will consider the potential and likelihood of modern slavery through clear understanding of the supplier’s structure, supply chain and policies.

Committed to be carbon neutral by 2030

  • As part of the declared Climate Emergency we will be carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Sustainable procurement enables better lifetime management of natural resources including energy requirements and materials leading to increased operational effectiveness and reducing lifetime costs.
  • The Council’s procurement approach gives at least 10% or its overall evaluation criteria to Environmental elements. Where appropriate the Council will increase the environmental evaluation criteria weightings to encourage suppliers to use sustainable zero carbon practices and to reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain.
  • Utilise renewable energy and employ new techniques to reduce carbon emissions.

Focus to reduce use of single use plastics

  • Reduction in reliance on single use plastics.
  • Reduce packaging and consumables.
  • Encourage the supply chain to reduce packaging and to supply biodegradable goods where possible.

Good quality jobs with fair pay and decent working conditions

  • Carer Friendly employers (suppliers pledge to support employees that provide care while maintaining their paid employment).
  • Disability Friendly employers (suppliers pledge to support applications, interviews and paid employment).
  • Where stipulated an employer must pay all directly employed staff the Living Wage and have an agreed action plan in place for 3rd party contracted staff.
  • Employee Rights Act.


  • Inviting proposals from suppliers on how they can support, develop and deliver the Councils Procurement outcomes.

Last updated: 03/07/2023 10:44

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