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Pre-application workshops

Available to a wide range of development proposals, the Council will host an informal meeting with the applicant and internal technical specialists, in addition to inviting the relevant Parish/Town Councils and Ward Councillors to provide written comments on the proposals. At the end of the process, the Council will provide a detailed written response to the proposed development and the requirements for any application.

How to apply 

In order to request the above services the following information is required:

What will be provided? 

The case officer will arrange a workshop with all relevant internal consultees, the applicant, agent and the respective consultants. This meeting will not include Parish/Town Council or Councillors, who will be invited to comment through written comments alone, unless requested by an applicant. Details are required a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the meeting to enable consultees to undertake an appropriate assessment.

Format of the workshop:

  • the applicant to present the outline of the proposed development
  • case officer to provide initial consultees updates on submitted details
  • round table discussion with disciplines on main issues
  • agree programme to including timetable of future meetings and for a formal response
  • each meeting is anticipated to be between one and two hours.

A formal response will not be issued at the end of each meeting but at the end of the process unless otherwise agreed. The response provided will be in the form of the pre-application written report which sets out the details of any local polices, key considerations and any internal consultations.

The report will assess the proposal considering the principle, design and impact on local amenities, highway safety, ground/environmental issues and any necessary contributions or obligations that are necessary to make the development acceptable. The report will conclude summarising if the officer can or cannot support the scheme or if further information is required before a conclusion can be reached.

Constructive feedback from all internal consultees and the case officer will be provided with any potential solutions.

Last updated: 07/04/2022 11:10

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