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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (or equivalent UK legislation) controls how your personal information is stored and used by organisations, businesses or the government.

We respect everyone's rights to privacy and are fully committed to complying with the strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. We make sure that information is:

  • processed fairly, lawfully and transparently
  • used for a specified, explicit and legitimate purpose
  • adequate, relevant and limited to a necessary purpose
  • accurate and kept up to date
  • kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
  • handled and kept safe and secure

Telford & Wrekin Councils Data Protection Officer is Rob Montgomery.

Who do you share my personal information with?

We do not pass on your personal information to any third parties or central government departments unless you give us permission or the law requires/permits it. We will not share your personal data with other organisations for commercial purposes and we will not use it to market our services to you without your consent.

Find out what data we store about you

GDPR gives you a number of rights including the right to find out what information we store about you. To find out what information we hold about you we will need you to complete a subject access request form to ensure we provide you with exactly what you need. Full details of the request process is included in the subject access request form.

We may ask you to provide proof of identity before we release the data to you.

If the documents you require include information about other people (third parties), we may redact this.

Complete our subject access request form

There are some situations where we are allowed to withhold information, for example if the information’s about:

  • the prevention, detection or investigation of a crime
  • national security or the armed forces
  • the assessment or collection of tax
  • judicial or ministerial appointments

Download the Data Protection Policy

Last updated: 22/09/2022 13:05

  1. Introduction
  2. Statement of Compliance
  3. Contact