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Eligibility Confirmation Review (ECR) 2024 - Rights of EU citizens

Following the changes to EU citizens registration entitlement, the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) is required to conduct an Eligibility Confirmation Review (ECR) to identify individuals who are eligible to remain registered to vote and identify those who are not eligible to remain registered. This review will commence in August 2024.

Where we are unable to establish eligibility for some individuals via the data-based review (stage 1) we will then proceed to a correspondence-based review (stage 2).

We will be contacting such individuals to request that they respond to a historical residency question, to determine if they are entitled to remain registered under the new criteria for EU voters.

If you have received a letter or email asking you to confirm your eligibility, you'll need to either:

We will also send two reminder forms as part of the process. The second reminder form will be hand delivered by our canvassers who will visit identified properties and can help with the completion of the form. Canvassers are required to door knock at least once and will post the form through the door if no one is home.

More information on eligibility and voting and candidacy rights for EU citizens can be found by visiting the Elections Act: Changes to Elections page.