Essential planned maintenance to online services

The work will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 at 6pm. From this time our online services; online forms and My Telford may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Telford and Wrekin Sports and Recreation Trust Community Grant

Telford sports recreation trust logo

Telford and Wrekin Sport and Recreation Trust Community Grant Scheme

Tackling inactivity, improving health and wellbeing

Registered charity number: 522510.

About the Trust

The Telford and Wrekin Sport and Recreation Trust is an independent registered charity dating back to the late 1950s, with secretarial and finance support from Telford & Wrekin Council.

The work of the Trust is to promote, provide or support the provision of sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing and recreational schemes and facilities for local residents. Especially targeting those most in need, such as young people, older people, people with disabilities, people on low incomes or living in deprived areas, or people from ethnically diverse communities.

About the grant scheme

As part of this work, the Trust are offering grant funding to support and enable local communities and organisations to offer or extend community-based physical activity, to help people all ages and abilities to start well, live well and age well.

The grant funding will focus on people who face the greatest risks of poor health and disadvantages, to increase the number of inactive people becoming active and improve local people’s physical, emotional, social health and wellbeing.

Grants can be between £600 - £2,000, and priorities for the funding include projects that enable residents to:

  • achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • improve emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • tackle social isolation and loneliness and increase community connections
  • become more physically active
  • build capacity, for example through volunteering
  • establish integrated neighbourhoods/places
  • create a green sustainable borough by increasing the use of the outdoor green spaces for physical activity
  • improve their health outcomes and reduce the risk of long-term health conditions through preventative health and wellbeing projects
  • The Trust would be particularly keen to fund projects which target children and young people, older people, people with disabilities, people from deprived areas and from our ethnically diverse communities
  • Telford Trust Community Grant funding can also be used as match funding to support larger applications for grant funding.

Who can apply?

Any not-for-profit organisation can apply for Telford Trust Community Grant funding, including local charities, community groups and centres, clubs, societies, local schools, ‘Friends Of’ groups linked to green spaces, sport or athletic clubs, and uniformed groups such as Brownies, Guides and Scouts.

Grants to increase the use of outdoor green spaces for physical activity

If your idea for a project to increase the use of the outdoor green spaces for physical activity includes ‘on the ground’ additions or improvements to any of Telford & Wrekin Council’s green open spaces, you will need to seek guidance and permission from the site manager before you apply.

This applies to any information or printed materials too, such as leaflets or information boards.

Similarly, if you would like to hold a large event or gathering in any of Telford & Wrekin Council’s green open spaces, you will also need to seek guidance and permission from the site manager before you apply.

Your green space not included on this list? 

If you can’t see the green space you have in mind for your project within the list on the Telford & Wrekin Coucil green and open spaces webpage, contact Diana West via to discuss, as it may still be possible to go ahead with your application using the site you have in mind.


If your idea includes ‘on the ground’ additions or improvements to any other built or existing facilities, you will need to obtain permission for this work before you apply.

Useful toolkits

Terms and conditions

  • All funded projects must take place within Telford and Wrekin for the benefit of local residents.
  • One application per organisation.
  • All applications received will be considered through a funding panel process which is final and cannot be appealed.
  • All awards allocated to be confirmed by email by Telford & Wrekin Council.
  • All funded work must be delivered within one calendar year of the receipt of funds.

View more information about the items we will and will not fund.

Last updated: 13/11/2024 11:51

  1. Introduction
  2. Eligible spending
  3. Before you apply
  4. Apply